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tamoadmin 2024-06-26 人已围观

简介1.零距离接触用英语怎么说1. 推荐一下上海高一有什么好的教辅 可以报读上海新东方学校哦~ 针对高一学生,有语数外三门功课可以补习哦~ 1)英语:有高一英语上下学期特训班和高一英语精品班两种课型,如果英语程度比较好的话,可以选择高一英语精品班,是针对高一整个学年从听力、阅读、写作、语法分项授课讲解知识点的,如果程度一般的话选择高一英语上下学期特训班,分成两个学期来学习知识哦~ 2)数学:



1. 推荐一下上海高一有什么好的教辅






2. 上海的高中生用什么辅导书好呢




3. 上海的高中教辅那些是最好的,实用的

理科学有深度的话 龙门书局





另外 松江二中编的一套书也很好.各科目都有,可以作为课后复习.都是很有经验的老师所编.推荐语数外,它有例题 有讲解,有注意点,有课前资料,还有习题.理化有一定难度.


Two I love going to the mall.


 1 Introduction

 A Clothing is pretty expensive in America. As a general rule prices are fixed, so don't try bargaining for anything, except at some private sales and flea markets. Of course, when they buy a car, they will negotiate.


 B Going shopping with foreigners is a good way to make friends with them. Especially in China, you can be the guide, and also learn to say a lot of common things in English.


 C In American, people pay sales tax on many items that they buy. For example, clothing, cigarettes, soda, and gasoline are taxable items. However, they don't pay sales tax on food at the grocery store, unless the food they buy is prepared and ready to eat (at a restaurant, a supermarket or deli.


 2 Sample Sentences

 1. The leather shoes were priced at 1,000 RMB.


 2. You can always bargain here, but goods tend to come and go quickly so if you like it, buy it now!


 3. Where can I buy an English - language newspaper?


 4. I want something like this.


 5. I like the blue one in the window.


 6. What is it made of? Will this material shrink?

 这是什么料子? 这种料子缩水吗?

 7. Is it color-fast / crease resistant / synthetic / pure cotton / silk / genuine leather / hand-made / imported / made here?


 8. How long will it take to alter?


 9. I'd like some shoelaces / shoe polish / moisturizing cream.


 10. Can you show me how it works?


 11. I'd like a blouse / jacket made to measure.


 12. Can I pay by traveler's cheque? / Do you accept credit cards?

 能用旅行支票付款吗?/ 能用信用卡付款吗?

 3 Conversations

 1. At the mall.

 Anna Garcia is visiting her friend, Grace, in Tampa, Florida.

 Grace: Come in and have some coffee, Anna. The kids have just gone out to the mall to hang out with their friends.

 Anna: I saw a lot of teenagers when Alan and I were there yesterday.

 Grace: They spend hours there, especially on weekends.

 Anna: Speaking of that trip, Alan bought a shirt at a department store, but the sleeves are too long. Do you know a seamstress1 or tailor2 who can shorten them?

 Grace: I know several. But wouldn't it be easier to take the shirt back and exchange it for the right size?

 Anna: Isn't that complicated3?

 Grace: No, it's easy. We'll just take the shirt back to the men's department and show them the sales slip4. They'll exchange it for the correct size or give you a refund5.

 Anna: We? Do you want to go with me?

 Grace: Sure. I love going to the mall.

 Anna: What do you do there… hang around6, like the kids?

 Helpful Information:

 At most stores, one can always exchange products or even get a refund within a certain amount of time if he or she still has the sales slip and the product is in good condition.













 2. Bargain Hunting.

 Saturday morning in Atlanta.

 Liz: Why are you reading the classifieds7? What do you need?

 David: I'm looking for a bookcase, but I don't want to buy a new one.

 Liz: Are you having any luck?

 David: Not really. There aren't any used bookcases listed. But there are a few rummage sales8 on Saturday. I think I'll go to them.

 Liz: Do you mind if I go with you?

 David: Not at all. These private sales are great places to bargain. And sometimes you can find terrific things among all the junk.

 Liz: I learned to negotiate9 from my mother. I thought I was pretty good at bargaining, but I had a problem the other day at Kimble's Department Store.

 David: What happened?

 Liz: I wanted to buy a beautiful wool sweater for my girlfriend. It was priced at forty dollars, so I started by offering the salesclerk thirty.

 Additional Information:

 In America, supermarkets usually mail their sales papers to customers. Also flea markets are popular, too. Sometimes you can get a like new name-brand product there at a very low price for a couple of dollars. One of the things that make flea markets appealing to Chinese is that most prices are open to negotiation. It seems to be a Chinese tradition to haggle over the price of virtually anything that is bought.












 3. At the Checkout Counter

 In line at the checkout counter of a large, modern supermarket.

 Roy: Look at this headline10 - Elvis Baby Born on Spacecraft. Where do these tabloids11 get such crazy stories?

 Iris: I've often wondered the same thing. I also wonder who reads them. Then I realize that I'm standing here reading them myself.

 Roy: It looks as though everyone in line reads them, or at least looks at the headlines.

 Iris: I think we picked the right line. This one seems to be moving more quickly than the others.

 Roy: Maybe our checker is faster at scanning12 the food.

 Iris: I'm glad. We have only about twenty things here, and I'm in a hurry to get home.

 (The customer in front of them pays and leaves.)

 Checker: Good afternoon, ladies. Paper or plastic?

 Iris: Paper bags, please. You know, yours is the fastest-moving line in the store.

 Checker: Well, I'll let it go this time, but in the future, please don't use the express line with so many items.











 4. Looking for a pair of shoes.

 Rita: Hey Joe, what are you doing in this department store?

 Joe: Hi, Rita, I'm just looking for a pair of shoes. I won't be here for long.

 Rita: Why not? When I go shoe shopping, I have so many options13 for sneakers14 that I spend awhile looking at all of the choices.

 Joe: That's my problem. I don't have a lot of options.

 Rita: What do you mean? This is a big store, isn't it?

 Joe: Yes, but I have unusually big feet. That wouldn't be too much of a problem except that they're also very wide, and only a few brands sell shoes that I can fit into.

 Rita: So how do you usually go about15 buying shoes, then?

 Joe: Well, first of all, I can only go to certain stores that can guarantee16 me a large selection.

 Rita: Well, you're in the right store. If they don't have it, no one will.

 Joe: After that I choose something from one of the few brands that I know will fit me. I prefer white, so I ask them to bring me a pair of white sneakers in my size. Since I'm usually only given one or two pairs of shoes that meet my qualifications17, it makes it a very easy choice.












 5. Shopping around.

 Janet: So what do you think of my new dress?

 Karen: I think it's great! I really like the color, and it goes really well with your eyes. I've actually been eyeing that dress at Maxine's for a while now, but I wasn't sure I could afford ninety-five dollars for a dress at the moment.

 Janet: Um, ninety-five dollars?

 Karen: Yes, that's the price they were advertising it at. I was hoping it might go on sale soon. Why, how much did you pay for it?

 Janet: I bought it for one hundred and forty-five dollars at Helen's Boutique18. I didn't know I could get it cheaper somewhere else.

 Karen: Of course! Everything at Helen's is overpriced19, and they sell things that you can find at almost every other clothing store! Why didn't you shop around?

 Janet: I don't know, I just saw the dress and thought about how pretty it looks and how much I wanted it. I guess I was too impulsive20.

 Helpful Information:

 The same products may be priced quite differently at different stores. This happens everywhere. Shopping around may take a lot of time, but it can be very worthwhile.










 4 Words and Expressions

 1. seamstress 女裁缝师

 2. tailor ((尤指男装) 裁缝师

 3. complicated 复杂的; 难懂的

 4. sales slip 销货单, 销货发票

 5. refund 退还, 退款

 6. hang around 闲荡, 徘徊

 7. classifieds 分类广告

 8. rummage sale 义卖, 清仓大拍卖

 9. negotiate 谈判, 协商, 洽谈

 10. headline 标题;大标题

 11. tabloid 小报

 12. scanning 电子光束扫掠,扫描

 13. option 选择; 选择权; 选择自由

 14. sneaker 运动鞋

 15. go about 着手干;做

 16. guarantee 保证;担保

 17. qualification 资格, 限制,

 18. boutique 流行女装商店,精品店

 19. overpriced 定价过高的

 20. impulsive 冲动的;易冲动的


[名] direct contact (with);


We stand very close to performers, as if we are friends having a party, she said.

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