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简介1.高三高考跪求英语时态的总结?2.高中英语短文语法填空3.You are ruined everything 全让你搞砸了,为什么是被动语态4.高考英语语法:高中英语语法-使用被动语态应受哪些限制5.高考的语法题中如何区分位于动词和非谓语动词6.高中英语选择题求解谢谢7.高中英语动词不定式和动名词所有的内容50个最新高考英语必备的高频词组 1.abide by(=be faithful to ;



3.You are ruined everything 全让你搞砸了,为什么是被动语态







1.abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。

2. be absent from…. 缺席,不在

3. absence or mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉

4. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on

5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有

6. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解

7. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地,

8. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地

9. in accord with 与…一致 . out of one’s accord with 同….不一致

10. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地

11. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据

12. on one’s own account 1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 2)(=at one’s own risk) 自行负责 3)(=by oneself)依靠自己 on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有…..重要性.

13. take…into account(=consider)把...考虑进去

14. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释 (理由)

15. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明.

16. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为.

17. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)

18. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告

19. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于.

20. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉

21. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理

22. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于

23. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)

24. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之

25. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外




 1. 表示“安排”,注意以下用法:


 a) 用名词或代词作宾语。如:

 We will arrange everything. 你们会安排好一切的。

 I’ve arranged a taxi for you. 我已为你们安排了一辆出租车。


 It is all arranged. 这事全都安排好了。

 b) 用不定式作宾语。如:

 They arranged to start early. 他们计划一早出发。

 I’ve arranged to see them tonight. 我已安排今晚同他们见面。

 We still have to arrange how to go there. 我们还得安排如何去那儿。

 表示“安排某人做某事”,不能用 arrange sb to do sth, 而应用 arrange for sb to do sth 。

 c) 用 that 从句作宾语。如:

 We have arranged that she look after the children. 我们已安排她照看孩子。

 They arranged that the meeting be put off to Saturday. 他们安排把会议推迟到星期六。

 d) 不接双宾语。如:


 正:Please arrange an interview with the workers for us.

 误:Please arrange us an interview with the workers.


 We must arrange about that. 我们须对此事作出安排。

 Call up and arrange a taxi,please. 请打电话安排一辆出租车。

 Let’s go and arrange with them about it. 我们去和他们把这事安排一下。

 Let’s try and arrange so that we can get there in time. 我们设法安排一下,以便能及时赶到。

 用作不及物动词时,还通常用于 arrange for sb to do sth。如:

 He’s arranged for me to attend the meeting. 他已安排我去参加会议。

 We have arranged for the car to come at nine. 我们已安排好让汽车9点钟来。



 正:We arranged for the meeting to be put off for a week.

 正:We arranged that the meeting be put off for a week.

 2. 表示“整理”、“排列”,是及物动词。如:

 They were arranged in kinds . 他们是按种类排列的。

 We must arrange the room before the guests arrive. 在客人到来之前我们必须把房间整理好。





(1)一般现在时表示没有时限的持久存在的动作或状态或现阶段反复发生的动作或状态,常和副词usually,often,always sometimes, regularly,near,occasionally,every year, every week等连用。例如:

1)The moon moves round the earth..

2)Mr. Smith travels to work by bus every day.

(2)在由after,until,before,once,when,even if,in case,as long as,as soon as,the moment以及if,unless等引导的时间状语从句或条件状语从句中,通常用一般现在时代替将来时。例如:

1)I will tell him the news as soon as I see him.

2)I will not go to countryside if it rains tomorrow.


1)The plane leaves at three sharp.

2)The new teachers arrive tomorrow.


1)Free tickets will be given to whoever comes first.

2)You’ll probably be in the same train as I am tomorrow.



We went to the pictures last night and saw a very interesting film.


1)He always went to class last.

2)I used to do my homework in the library.

(注意与be used to doing短语的区别)



I shall graduate next year.


1)be going to +v在口语中广泛使用,表示准备做或将发生的事情。例如:

I’m going to buy a house when we’ve saved enough money.

2)be to +v表示计划安排要做的事,具有“必要”的强制性意义。例如:

I am to play tennis this afternoon.

3)be about to +v表示即将发生的事情。例如:

He was about to start.

4)be due to +v表示预先确定了的事,必定发生的事。例如:

The train is due to depart in ten minutes.

5)be on the point/verge of +v – ing强调即将发生的某种事态。例如:

The baby was on the point of crying when her mother finally came home.



(1)表示现在正在进行的动作,常与now,right now,at the mother,for the time being,for the present等连用。例如:

Don’t disturb her. She is reading a newspaper now.


My father is forever criticizing me.


They are leaving for Hong Kong next month.

(4)有些动词不能用进行时,这是一类表示“感觉,感情,存在,从属”等的动词。如:see,hear,smell,taste,feel,notice,look,appear,(表示感觉的词);hate,love,fear,like,want,wish,prefer,refuse,forgive(表示感情的动词);be,exist,remain,stay,obtain(表示存在状态的动词);have,possess,own,contain,belong,consist of,form(表示占有与从属的动词);understand,know,believe,think,doubt,forget,remember(表示思考理解的动词)。但是如果它们词义改变,便也可用进行时态。例如:

1)Tom looks pale. What’s wrong with him?


2)Tom is looking for his books.




1)We were discussing the matter when the headmaster entered.

2)Whenever I visited him, he was always writing at the desk.



1)This time next day they will be sitting in the cinema.

2)What will you be doing at six tomorrow evening?







1)I have just finished my homework.

2)Mary has been ill for three days.

(2)常与现在完成时连用的时间状语有:since, for, during, over等引导出的短语;副词already, yet, just, ever, now, before, often, lately, recently等;状语词组this week (morning, month, year), so far, up to now, many times, up to the present等。例如:

1)I haven’t been there for five years.

2)So far, she hasn’t enjoyed the summer vacation.

3)There have been a lot of changes since 1978.


This (That, It) is (was) the first (second…) time +定语从句;This (That, It) is (was) the only (last) + n +定语从句;This (That, It) is (was) +形容词最高级+ n +定语从句。如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,从句的谓语动词通常用现在完成时;如果主句谓语动词是一般过去时,从句谓语动词通常用过去完成时。例如:

(1)This is one of the rarest questions that have ever been raised at such a meeting.

(2)There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone had interrupted me that evening.



1)We had just had our breakfast when Tom came in.

2)By the end of last year they had turned out 5, 000 bicycles.

(2)动词expect, hope, mean, intend, plan, suppose, wish, want, desire等用过去完成时,表示过去的希望、预期、意图或愿望等没有实现。例如:

I had meant to take a good holiday this year, but I wasn’t able to get away.


1)was / were + to have done sth,例如:

We were to have come yesterday, but we couldn’t.

2)intended (expected, hope, meant, planned, supposed, wished, wanted, desired) + to have done sth,例如:

I meant to have told you about it, but I forgot to do so.


1)hardly, scarcely, barely + 过去完成时+ when + 过去时。例如:

Hardly had I got on the bus when it started to move.

2)no sooner +过去完成时+ than +过去时。例如:

No sooner had I gone out than he came to see me.

3)by (the end of ) +过去时间,主句中谓语动词用过去完成时。例如:

The experiment had been finished by 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon.


将来完成时表示在将来某一时刻将完成或在另一个未来的动作发生之前已经完成的动作;也可以用来表示一种猜测。常与将来完成时连用的时间状语有:by (the time / the end of ) +表示将来时间的短语和句子;before (the end of ) +表示将来时间的词语或句子;when, after等加上表示将来动作的句子等。例如:

1)By this time tomorrow you will have arrived in Shanghai.

2)I shall have finished this composition before 9 o’clock.

3)When we get on the railway station, the train will probably have left.




I have been looking for my lost book for three days, but I still haven’t found it.


It had been raining cats and dogs for over a week and the downpour had caused landslides in many places.


By the time you arrive tonight, she will have been typing for hours.




He says that he lives in Wuhan.

We hope that there will be many people at your party today.

“Did you hear that Bill finally sold the house?” “Yes, but I don’t know who bought it.”

“There’s a lot of excitement on the street.”

“There certainly is. Do you suppose the astronauts have returned?”


He said he was writing a novel.

The teacher wanted to know when we would finish the experiment.

He said his father had been an engineer.


The teacher told them since light travels faster than sound, lightning appears to go before thunder.




We insisted that we do it ourselves.



1)We use electricity to run machines. (主动语态)

2)Electricity is used to run machines. (被动语态)


(1)在英语中,不及物动词不能用于被动语态,但有些不及物动词(包括短语)容易引起误用。如:appear, belong, belong, die, escape, fall, happen, last, remain, succeed, occur, come true, take place, consist of。

(2)某些表示状态或特征的及物动词,如:become, contain, cost, fit, have, resemble, suit也没有被动语态。




时?SPAN lang=EN-US> 一般时 进行时 完成时

现在 am asked am being asked

is asked is being asked

are asked are being asked


was be asked was being asked

were be asked were being asked

将来 shall be asked shall have been asked

will be asked will have been asked

过去 should be asked should have been asked

将来 would be asked would have been asked



1)So far no correct conclusion has arrived at.

2)All the rubbish should be got rid of.

4.“get + -ed分词”的被动语态

“get + -ed分词”结构强调动作的结果,而非动作本身,常用来表示突发性的,出乎意料的偶然事件。例如:

The boy got hurt on his way home from work.

另外,“get + -ed分词”还可用于谈论为自己做的事,是主动的行为而不是被动的行为。例如:

get dressed(穿衣服) get divorced(离婚)

get engaged(订婚) get confused(迷惑不解)

get lost(迷路) get washed(洗脸)

get married(结婚)



1)We showed the visitors our new products.(主动语态)

2)The visitors were shown our new products.(被动语态)

3)Our new products were shown to the visitors.(被动语态)


1)The teacher appointed him League secretary.(主动语态)

2)He was appointed League secretary.(被动语态)


(1)The novel was well written.(系表结构)

(2)The novel was written by Diskens.(被动语态)


例1:The book is selling remarkably well.

例2:The song sounds very beautiful.


例3:My watch needs cleaning. (= My watch needs to be cleaned).

能像need这样用的动词还有:want, require, deserve, do, owe, bind等。

例4:The meat is cooking.

例5:The book written by the professor is printing.

You are ruined everything 全让你搞砸了,为什么是被动语态

 在高考英语试题中,有一道大题叫做完形填空或短文填空,英语称为Cloze或Cloze Test。我精心收集了高中英语短文语法填空,供大家欣赏学习!


 A:Welcome to the Zhoukoudian caves here in China.It is 61._____ great pleasure to meet you students from England,who are interested in archaeology.You must be aware that it?s here 62._____ we found evidence of some of the earliest people who lived in this part of the world.We?ve been excavating here for many years and...

 S1:I?m sorry 63._____ (interrupt) you but how could they live here? There are only rocks and trees.

 A:Good questions.You are an acute 64._____(observe).We have found human and animal bones in those caves higher up the hill as well as tools and other objects.So we think it is 65._____(reason) to assume they lived in these caves,regardless of the cold.

 S2:How did they keep warm? They couldn?t have mats,blankets or quilts like we do.It must have been very uncomfortable.

 A:We?ve discovered fireplaces in the center of the caves 66._____ they made fires.That would have kept them warm,cooked the food and scared wild beasts away as well.We have been excavating layers of ash almost six meters thick,which 67._____(suggest) that they might have kept the fire burning all winter.We haven?t found any doors but we think they might have 68._____(hang) animal skins at the cave mouth to keep out the cold 69._____ the freezing winter.

 S3:70._____ wild animals were there all that time ago?

 A:Well,we?ve been finding the bones of tigers and bears in the caves,and we think these were their most dangerous enemies.Now what do you think this tells us about the life of these early people?


 61.a 考查冠词。句意:这次遇到来自英国的学生是件高兴的事,故用a。

 62.that 考查强调句。句意:你必须意识到就是在这里,我们发现早期人类的证据。由句意可知是强调句型,故应填that。

 63.to interrupt 考查固定搭配。be sorry to do...非常抱歉做?

 64.observer 考查名词。此处用observe的名词形式observer。

 65.reasonable 考查形容词。It is adj. to do sth.为常用结构。

 66.where 考查定语从句。fireplaces作先行词,定语从句缺少地点状语,故选where。

 67.suggests 考查动词的时态。表示客观事实,用一般现在时。

 68.hung 考查动词形式。根据might have可知应用过去分词形式。

 69.during/in 考查介词。during/in the freezing winter在寒冷的冬天。

 70.What 考查特殊疑问词。根据下文提到we?ve been finding the bones of tigers and bears in the caves,and we think these were their most dangerous enemies可知在问这些野生动物是什么?



 Betty:Hi,Victor.I heard you?ve got a part-time 61._____.

 Victor:No,I wish I had.I?m still 62._____ the waiting list.

 Betty:Seems like it?s 63._____ to get a good part-time job these days.

 Victor:You bet.The unemployment figures are up again this month.

 Betty:Don?t be 64._____ negative.Look at the jobs in the classifieds in today?s newspaper...so many openings.Just print out your resume and send 65._____ to them.

 Victor:I usually apply online.I send a short cover letter in the text of my e-mail and then attach my resume.What about you,Betty?

 Betty:Well,I haven?t even started 66._____ (plan) to look for a job yet.I didn?t get good grades last term 67._____ I bombed on two tests.

 Victor:Was it because you didn?t suck up (奉承) to your teachers?

 Betty:No,the teachers are very 68._____ (help).The main reason,I guess,was that I haven?t gotten accustomed to the way of learning here.In my country,we are used to 69._____ (learn)through memorization (死记硬背).Here,we 70._____ (teach) to think for ourselves.I?m working hard to adjust,and I?m catching up.



 61.job 考查名词。由全篇语境和下文的a good part-time job即可分析,此处该是名词job。

 62.on 考查介词。根据语境和句式结构分析,此处该填入介词on,构成on the waiting list搭配,即表示?在候补名单上?。

 63.hard/difficult 考查形容词。由上文的语境No,I wish I had.和下文的The unemployment figures are up again this month.即可分析,此句句意:看样子如今找一份兼职工作很艰难。故填入形容词hard或difficult。

 64.so/that 考查副词。结合上下文语境,贝蒂是在安慰维克多,句意:不要那么悲观。形容词negative被副词so修饰,也可由相当于so的that修饰。

 65.it 考查人称代词。根据语境分析,此处即填入指代your resume的人称代词it。

 66.planning/to plan 考查非谓语动词。根据语境和句式结构分析,此处该用非谓语动词作宾语,即构成start doing或start to do,意即?开始做某事?或?开始去做某事?。故填入planning或to plan。

 67.because 考查连词。根据I didn?t get good grades last term分析,造成此结果的原因是?我两门考试考砸了?,即I bombed on two tests.是原因,故用because引导原因状语从句。

 68.helpful 考查形容词。由回答语No即可分析,老师是不要奉承的,而且很给我提供帮助。结合空格前面的very即可分析,此处该是名词help的形容词helpful。

 69.learning 考查动名词。根据语境分析,此处该用be used to doing sth.,即表示?习惯于,符合语境。

 70.are taught 考查被动语态。根据语境分析,In my country我们习惯于死记硬背,而Here,(老师)教我们自己思考。即主语we和teach之间存在动宾关系,故用被动语态。陈述的都是一般的事实,故用一般现在时的被动语态,即are taught。


 Once there lived a rich man 31 wanted to do something for the people of his town. 32 first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help.

 In the centre of the main road into the town, he placed 33 very large stone. Then he 34 (hide ) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow.

 ?Who put this stone in the centre of the road? said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way. 35 man came along and did the same thing; then another came ,and another. All of them complained about the stone but not tried to remove 36 . Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone, 37 (say) to himself: ?The night 38 (be) very dark. Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone.?

 Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his 39 (strong) to move it. How great was his surprise at last! 40 the stone, he found a bag of money.

 第二节 语法填空

 31. who 32. But 33. a 34. hid 35. Another 36. it 37. saying 38. will be 39. strength 40. Under




You have ruined everything.




English is taught in most schools. 大多数学校都教英语。

The children are not allowed (permitted) to play on the grass. 孩子们不允许在草地上玩耍。

After the accident, the injured were taken to hospital. 事故发生之后受伤的人被送往医院急救。


1. 某些连系动词(如look, sound, smell, feel, taste, prove等)要用主动表被动,因为连系动词为不及物动词,它们没有被动语态形式。如:

That dog looks dangerous. 那只狗看起来很危险。

My advice proved to be wrong. 我的意见证实是错的。

2. 当open, shut, lock, move等用作不及物动词且表示主语的某种属性时,通常用主动形式表示被动意义。如:

The door won’t shut. 这门关不上。

The window won’t lock. 这窗户锁不住。

注:该用法的不及物动词通常与can’t, won’t 等连用,注意它与用被动语态含义不同:

The window won’t shut. 这窗户关不上。(说明主语的属性——窗户有问题了)

The window won’t be shut. 这窗户将不用关上。(窗户本身没问题,只是不用关上)

3. 当read, wash, clean, cook, cut, wear, carry等用作不及物动词且表示主语的某种属性时,通常要用主动形式表示被动意义。如:

The cloth washes well. 这种布料好洗。

His book doesn’t sell well. 他的书不好销。

This shirt will wear very long. 这衬衫可以穿很久。

The parcel carries easily. 包裹容易搬运。

注:该用法通常与well, easily, slowly, quickly等副词连用,并且在用于以上意思时通常不宜直接使用被动语态形式,如下面这道高考题答案是A,而不是C:

Books of this kind _________ well. (1999年上海卷)

A. sell B. sells C. are sold D. is sold

4. 某些表示开始和结束的动词(begin, start, finish, end等),当主语为事物且不强调动作的执行者时,可用主动语态表示被动意义。如:

School begins in September. 九月开学。

When does the concert begin? 音乐会什么时候开始?

5. 有的动词本身含有被动意味,通常用主动形式来表示被动含义。如:

My skirt caught on a nail. 我的裙子被钉子钩住了。

Soon the house filled with people. 很快房子就挤满了人。

The plan worked out successfully. 计划进行得很顺利。

6. 不定式to blame, to let用作表语时,通常要用主动表被动。如:

Who is to blame? 该怪谁呢?

The house is to let. 此屋出租。

7. 某些“be+形容词+to do”结构中的不定式通常要用主动形式表示被动意义。如:

The poem is not easy to understand. 这首诗不容易理解。

Your writing is impossible to read. 你的书法没法认。

Do you think the water is safe to drink? 你认为这水喝起来安全吗?

注:这类结构的特点是句子主语就是其后不定式的逻辑宾语,按理说其中的不定式要用被动形式,但习惯上却要用主动表被动。这类形容词常见的有awkward, convenient, dangerous, difficult, easy, hard, impossible, interesting, nice, pleasant, safe, tough, tricky, unpleasant 等。

8. be worth后的动名词要用主动表被动。如:

This might be worth thinking about. 这可能值得考虑。

9. 在need, want, require等少数表示“需要”的动词后的动名词用主动形式表被动意义。如:

The plants want watering every day. 这些花草得天天浇水。

He needs operating on at once. 他需要马上做手术。


This sentence needs explaining [to be explained]. 这个句子需要解释。






She has a nice car.

The woolen coat fits her well.


They promised me to go with me.

Mr.Smith wanted to have a try.

I enjoy listening to pop music.


She hurt herself this morning.

They warned themselves to be careful.


He put his hand on his chest and began to cough.

I could hardly believe my ears.


They help each other in study.

We must learn from each other.


She joined the Party last year.

My dad reached Beijing this afternoon.


She did her best.

We shall make up our minds.


They walked two miles.

The film lasted one and a half hours.

This desk weighs 10kilograms.


Miss Li became a doctor ten years ago.

This plan sounds a good one.

十、一些词,如happen,take place,occur,last,belong to等等,在汉语角度看来可用被动结构,但英语只能用主动结构。例如:

Great changes have taken place in my hometown since 1949.

This car belongs to my uncle.


I made faces to have the baby laugh.

We should never lose heart.


I knew that I was wrong then.(我认识到当时我错了。)

It was known that I was wrong then.

=I was known to be wrong then.(人们知道当时我错了。)


We showed special interest in science.


We lived a hard life in the old days.

总之,能否用被动语态,除了应了解英语的一些语法规则之外,还要充分考虑汉语的说话习惯,掌握其普通规律,同时注意一些特殊情况,否则就会出现"中国式英语",也没法学到"地道的英语"。 《高中英语语法-使用被动语态应受哪些限制》由英语我整理,更多请访问: style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;border-left: 4px solid #a10d00;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;background: #f1dada;">高中英语选择题求解谢谢




























这是:北京海淀2012年高考一模英语考题,你打错的不仅是blogs 还有might

26. Some seemingly harmless blogs might become harmful when ______ on the Internet by millions of people.

A. to read B. reading C. read D. being read






主句主语是some blogs, 它们与read之间在逻辑上是主谓被动关系,所以排除AB。

C项=when they are read by ...

D项=when they are being read by ...



有些似乎无害的博客,在。。。时 可能会变得有害。

C. 在互联网上被数百万的人阅读时

D. 在互联网上被数百万的人同时阅读时


D项表示,有些博客,好象是无害的。在互联网上被数百万人同时阅读就可能会发生变化,变成有害的了。 这个更是离谱!

相比之下,C项离的谱少一点。 且主人心里想的就是C,就C吧。


But some researchers say the seemingly harmless blogs can become dangerous when read on the Internet by millions of people all over the world.


出题者没有理解原文的意思,改写有误,这个dangerous 与harmful不是一个意思,这个can与might也是有区别的。在没有上下文的情况下,将这一句话作为单选题句是不妥的。

我不敢复制整篇文章,也不敢给链接,找不到原文的,hi 我好了。


不定式可在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语,但不能作谓语,可有自己的逻辑主语,即for/of sb to do。


To do that sort of thing is foolish.

It would be better fou you to go there.

(it作形式主语代替后面的不定式)it be adj/n for sb to do sth


Walking after supper is helpful.

To walk in the street this evening will be nice.


To see is to believe.

All you have to do is (to)finish the job quickly.



He promosed not to tell anybody about it.

(不定式的否定形式为not to do)

He didn’t go to the party last night,but he intended to.


I think it important for you to recite some English articles.


提示:以下动词只能跟不定式作宾语:afford agree ask attempt decide demand expect fail help hope manage offer plan prepare pretend promise refuse seem wish.


There are many TV sets to choose from.


The room is large to live in.

The river is large to swim in.


Betty was the first(girl)to come.

He’s the only person to know the truth.

The easisest way to learn English is staying at an English family.

She has a wish to travel around the world.


He spoke loudly(so as/in order)to be heard.(目的状语)

I’m to tired to walk any further this afternoon.(结果状语)


so+adj/adv+as to do如此......以至于

such+adj+n+as to do如此......以至于

adj/adv+enough+to do足够......

too+adv/adj+to do太......以致不能

They jumped with joy to hear the news.(原因状语)

He raised his hand as if to take off his hat.(方式状语)

I’m very glad to see you again.



(1)动词+宾语+带to的不定式。具有这种用法的动词有:advise allow ask beg cause chellenge drive encourage expect forbid force hire intend invite order permit persuade remind require teach remind tell want warn等。

She asked me to stay here.

(2)表示见解、看法的动词+宾语+带to的不定式(不定式常用to be或to have done形式)。具有这种结构的动词有:believe consider declare discover feel(认为) find imagine judge suppose think understand等。

I consider him to have done wrong.

(3)感官动词+宾语+不带to的不定式(被动式中必须带to,)。具有这种用法的动词有:see notice watch lookat observe hear listento feel等。

I heard the clock tick.The boy was seen to run down the street.

(4)使役动词+宾语+不带to的不定式(被动式中必须带to,但have一般不用于被动式)。具有这种用法的动词有:make have let等。

Shall I have him come here ?

They shouldn’t be made to do such heavy work.

(5)动词短语+宾语+带to的不定式。具有这种用法的词组有:arrange for ask for call on count on long for depend on rely on wait for等。

I’m waiting for you to reply.


1.I like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good______.

A.to be breathed B.to breathe C.breathing D.being breathed

be+adj+to do不定式用主动形式。The house is comfortable to live in.

2.The director had her assistant______some hot dogs for the meeting.

A.picked up B.picks up C.pick up D.picking up

have sb do sth让某人做某事

3.I feel greatly honoured______into their society.

A.to welcome B.welcoming C.to be welcomed D.welcomed

考察非谓语动词。从句是看,这里用不定式作状语,用主系表+to do sth,这里用不定式的被动语态表示受到欢迎。

4.Due to the heavy rain and flooding,ten million people have been forced______their homes.

A.leaving B.to leave C.to be left D.being left

此处考察be forced to do sth固定结构。在force sb to do sth这一结构中,不定式作动词force的宾语补足语。


1.I don’t want______like I’m speaking ill of anybody,but the manager’s plan is unfair.

A.to sound B.to be sounded C.sounding D.to have sounded

2.All these gifts must be mailed immediately______in time for Chrismas.

A.in order to have received B.in order to receive

C.so as to be received D.so as to be receiving

3.He hurried to the station only______that the train had left.

A.to find B.finding C.found D.to have found

4.I meant______abroad with them,but I didn’t have enough money.

A.going B.to go C.to have gone D.having gone

5.The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,______it more difficult.

A.not make B.not to make C.not making D.do not make

6.I’ve worked with children before,so I know what______in my new job.

A.expected B.to expect C.to be excepting D.expects

7.She pretended______when I came in.

A.to read B.read C.to be reading D.reading

8.They knew her very well.They had seen her______up from childhood.

A.grow B.grew C.was growing D.grown

9.She is often heard______English aloud in the morning.

A.read B.to read C.having read D.to be reading

10.When I went to the Smiths’,they happened______dinner.

A.to have B.to be having C.to having been having D.having





Wishing for things costs nothing.愿望是不花本钱的。


It’s no use worrying about it.发愁没有用。

It’s useless arguing(=to argue) with them.跟他们争辩徒劳无益。

Do you think it’s worthwhile quarrelling with me?你认为我们吵值得吗?

It is hopeless arguing about it.为此争论毫无用处。


It’s fun being taken to the zoo.被带去逛动物园很有意思。


It’s a waste of time you talking to him.你和他谈话时浪费时间。

Jenny’s not going to college is her one regret.杰尼没上过大学是她感到遗憾的事。



动词:allow, permit, consider, suggest, advice, keep(on), finish, imagine, practise, understand, appreciate, enjoy, miss, prevent, forbid, escape, include, deny, forgive, pardon, excuse, dislike, discuss, report, admit, mind, risk, delay, postpone(推迟)等。

(2)短语:put off, can’t stand, burst out(突然开始), feel like, insist on, give up, be busy, be worth, succeed in, look forward to, devote…to/be devoted to(致力于), be/get used to, lead to, get down to(开始认真做),pay attention to, refer to, point to, turn to, object to, equal to, belong to等。

3.句型:spend … in doing在某方面花费

prevent /stop/keep…from doing阻止……做……

How/What about doing sth?做……怎么样?

have sone difficulty/trouble(in) doing sth在做某事方面有困难

have a hard time in doing sth做某事很艰难

there is no sense in doing做……是没有道理的








go on

can’t help

sb need/want/require to do(需要、想要、要求做某事)

sth need/want/require doing(=to be done)(某物需要做某事)
















My favourite sport is swimming.

It’s no use going there today.He won’t be in(can’t be in).

Have you finished writing your composition.

Excuse me for being late.

He entered the room without making any noise.

He entering the room without being seen.




His job is teaching English.

=Teaching English is his Job.


He was very amusing.

Skiing is more exciting than skating.滑雪比溜冰更刺激。



a swimming pool =a pool for swimming

a walking stick=a stick for walking


Nobody can stop the running horse=the horse that is running 没有人能阻止那配奔跑的马。horse与running之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系。

I know the man standing there=who is standing there



动名词与所修饰的名词间的关系,以swimming pool 为例,是说the pool; is for swimming即为游泳而设,同样a walking stick=The stick is for walking.


an interesting book=The book is interesting.

exciting news=the news is exciting


试加法是用for带入原含有v+ing形式的词组中,意思通顺者,v+ing形式为动名词。a sleeping car=a car for sleeping(car是供睡觉的),a dancing hall=a hall for dancing(hall是供跳舞的)。二句均通顺,合乎逻辑,所以sleeping和dancing均为动名词。又如:a sleeping boy=a boy for sleeping(boy供睡觉),显然意思不通顺,因而sleeping在此处便是现在分词了。


A sleeping boy=a boy who is sleeping

Working people=people who are working



She caught them stealing her apples.(them与stealing有主动关系;在“撞见时”正在偷。)


I saw the boy climbed the wall.我看见那小男孩爬墙。(强调爬墙这件事)

I saw the boy climbing the wall.我看见那小男孩正在爬墙。(强调爬墙的情景)


1.The next morning she found the man______in bed,dead.

A.lying B.lie C.lay D.laying

2.The squirrel(松鼠)was lucky that it just missed ______.

A.catching B.to be caught C.being caught D.to catch

3.She didn’t remember______him before.

A.having met B.have met C.to meet D.to having met

4.There was a terrible noise______the sudden burst of light.

A.followed B.following C.to be followed D.being followed

5.The secretary worked late into the night,______a long speech for the president.

A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.was preparing

6.I can hardly imagine Peter______across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.

A.sail B.to sailed C.sailing D.to have sailed

7.---I usually go there by train.

---Why not______by boat for a chance?

A.to try doing B.trying to go C.to try and go D.try going

8.I would appreciate______back this afternoon.

A.you to call B.you call C.you calling D.you are calling

9.______a reply,he decided to write again.

A.Not receiving B.Receiving not C.Not having received D.Having not received

10.The missing boys were last seen______near the river.

A.playing B.to be playing C.play D.to play


1-5 A A B A B 6-10 B B A B B



(While) Working in the factory,he was an advanced worker.


Being a League member,he is always helping others.


He stayed at home,cleaning and washing.


(If) Playing all day,you will waste your valuable time.


He dropped the glass,breaking it into pieces.


He went swimming the other day.


Though raining heavily,it cleared up very soon.


I waiting for the bus,a bird fell on my head.


All the tickets having been sold out,they went away disappointedly.


Time permitting,we’ll do another two exercise.



With the lights burning,he fell asleep.他点着灯睡着了。


Judging from his appearance,he must be an actor.


Generally speaking,girls are more careful.



1.More and more people are signing up for Yuga classes nowdays,______advantage of the health and relaxation benefits.

A.taking B.taken C.having taken D.having been taking

2.While watching television,______.

A.the doorbell ran B.the doorbell rings

C.we heard the doorbell ring D.we heard the doorbell rings

3.In April,2009,President Hu inspected the warships in Qindao,______the 60th anniversary founding of the PLA Navy.

A.marking B.marked C.having marked D.being marked

4.At the age of 29,Dave was a worker,______in a small apartment near Boston and______what to do about his future.

A.living;wordering B.lived;wordering

C.lived;wordered D.living;wondered

5.He glanced over at her,______that though she was tiny,she seemed very well put together.

A.noticing B.noticed C.to notice D.having noticed

6.The flowers______sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

A.to smell B.smelling C.smelt D.to be smelt

7.The old man,______abroad for twenty years,is on the way back to his motherland.

A.A.to work B.working C.to have worked D.having worked

8.______,the more expensive the camera,the better its quality.

A.General speaking B.Speaking general

C.Generally speaking D.Speaking generally

9.The storm left,______a lot of damage to this area.

A.caused B.to have caused C.to cause D.having caused

10.Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV;there are pictures______in your mind instead of before your eyes.

A.to form B.form C.forming D.having formed


1-5 A C A A A 6-10C D C D C

A B A B 6-10 B B A B B


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