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简介1.2017状元桥高考一轮总复习英语答案2.2017年高考全国卷1英语试卷结构 新课标各题型分值是多少分I work with Volunteers for Wildlife, a rescue and education organization at Bailey Arboretum in LocustValley. Trying to help injured, displaced or s


2.2017年高考全国卷1英语试卷结构 新课标各题型分值是多少分


I work with Volunteers for Wildlife, a rescue and education organization at Bailey Arboretum in LocustValley. Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking; survival is never certain. However, when it works, it is simply beautiful.


I got a rescue call from a woman in Muttontown. She had found a young owl on the ground. When I arrived, I saw a 2-to 3-week-old owl. It had already been placed in a carrier for safety.


I examined the chick and it seemed fine. If I could locate the nest, I might have been able to put it back, but no luck. My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree.


The homeowner was very helpful. A wire basket was found. I put some pine branches into the basket to make this nest safe and comfortable. I placed the chick in the nest, and it quickly calmed down.


Now all that was needed were the parents, but they were absent. I gave the homeowner a recording of the hunger screams of owl chicks. These advertise the presence of chicks to adults; they might also encourage our chick to start calling as well. I gave the owner as much information as possible and headed home to see what news the night might bring.


A nervous night to be sure, but sometimes the spirits of nature smile on us all! The homeowner called to say that the parents had responded to the recordings. I drove over and saw the chick in the nest looking healthy and active. And it was accompanied in the nest by the greatest sight of all — LUNCH!The parents had done their duty and would probably continue to do so.






 1.daily n. adj. adv. a daily visit be visited daily

 The story was in all the dailies.

 2.damage v. The storm did / caused great damage to the country.

 Smoking seriously damages your health.

 3.danger n. How many workers are in danger of losing their jobs?

 Doctors said she is now out of danger. Police said the man was a danger to the public. dangerous adj It would be dangerous for you to stay here.

 4.dare v. He didn?t dare (to) say what he thought.

 How dare you 你竟敢 How dare you talk to me like that?

 I dare say 我想,很可能 I dare say you know about it already.

 5. date n. v. We need to fix a date for the next meeting .

 date back to / date from a law dating from the 17th century. make a date

 6.dawn n. They start work at dawn.

 We arrived in Sydney as dawn broke. He works from dawn till dusk.

 7.deal dealt dealt v. deal with对付,应付;解决,处理;涉及,关于

 She is used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job.

 Have you dealt with these letters yet?

 Her poems often deal with the subject of death.

 a good/great deal of

 They spent a great deal of money. It is a deal. 就这么办吧!

 8.◎debt n. 债务,欠款 pay off/clear/repay the debts be in debt 欠债

 go/get/run/slip into debt 陷入债务之中

 9.decision n. make a decision

 10.declare v.公布,宣布;声明,断言

 The government has declared a state of emergency.

 Germany declared war on France on 1 August 1914.

 He declared that he was in love with her.

 declare for 声明支持 declare against 声明反对

 11.● decline 拒绝,谢绝,下降

 The number of tourists declined by 10%. Her health was declining rapidly.

 I offered to give them a lift but they declined with thanks.

 12.◎decorate v. 装饰修饰 decoration n. 装饰,装饰品,奖章

 decorate A with B 装点,布置 decorate sb. for bravery 因为勇敢授予奖章

 13.◎decrease v. (使) 减少,变小 decrease (sth.) to 1000 decrease (sth.) by 10%

 14.deed n. do a good deed

 15.defeat v. n. a narrow defeat 惜败 a heavy defeat 惨败 admit defeat

 He defeated the champion.

 16.defend v. We are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks.


 Troops have been sent to defend the borders. 已派出部队去守卫边疆。

 He defended his wife against rumours and allegations.


 defence n. Soldiers who died in defence of their country

 17.degree n.度数(角); 度数(温度);程度; 学位 an angle of ninety degrees

 Water freezes at zero degree. I agree with you to a certain degree.

 He has a master?s degree from Harvard.

 18.delay v. a delay of two hours a two-hour delay

 report it to the police without delay

 Thousands of passengers were delayed for over an hour.

 delay doing:He delayed telling her news,waiting for the right moment.

 19. ● delight 快乐,乐事 to the delight of sb with delight

 take(great)delight in doing: He takes great delight in proving others wrong.

 The guitar is a delight to play. delight in sth/ doing sth

 delighted: be delighted to do/ that/ by/at/ with

 He was delighted at the news of the wedding.

 20. ● deliver deliver a baby

 Do you have your milk delivered?

 She is due to deliver a lecture. 安排她做一个演讲。

 21.demand v. meet / satisfy one?s demands

 in demand Good secretaries are always in demand. I demand to see the manager. I demand that all the books be sent to Tibet.

 22. depend v. depend on He was the sort of person you could depend on .

 Depend upon it we won?t give up. 请相信我们绝不会放弃。 It / That depends.

 23.describe/ description Can you describe him to me? a brief / general description

 24. design v. design a car/ a kitchen a badly designed kitchen

 be designed for The film is designed for children.

 be designed to do The programme is designed to help poor people.

 25.desire n. v. we all desire health and happiness. a strong desire for power

 26. destroy v. The building was completely destroyed by fire.

 27.determine v. determine to do They determined to start early.

 be determined to do I am determined to succeed.

 determination He fought the illness with courage and determination.

 28.develop v.发展,壮大; 疾病开始侵袭;冲洗

 She developed the company from nothing. I had the film developed.

 Her son developed asthma when he was two. develop a habit

 developed / developing/ development with the development of science and technology

 29.◎devotion n. 奉献,奉献精神 devote v. 奉献,贡献

 one?s devotion to his job devote oneself/ one?s time /one?s energy to sth. /doing sth. be devoted to sth/doing sth

 30.diary 日记 n. keep a diary

 31. dictation 听写 n. have a dictation

 32.◎diet n. 饮食 go/be on a diet 节食

 33.different adj. 不同的` A be different from B in sth difference n. 区别

 tell the difference between A and B in sth make a / no / some difference to sb/sth The rain didn?t make much difference to the game.

 34.difficult adj. /difficulty n. have difficulty (in) doing sth have difficulty with 名词

 35.dig (dug ,dug ,digging) v.挖;挖掘

 dig a hole dig sth up 掘地,平整土地;挖掘出

 36.direction n. 方向,指导 in the direction of?朝?.方向 in all directions 朝四面八方

 under sb?s direction 在?指导下

 37.◎disabled a. 残废的,残疾的 The disabled were sent to the hospital.

 38.◎disadvantage advantages and disadvantages take advantage of

 have an advantage over 优于?

 39.◎disagree vi. 意见不一致,持不同意见

 disagree with what sb. said disagree on/about sth 就某事达成一致意见

 sth disagree with sb 食物天气等使某人身体不适

 40.disappoint v. 使?..失望 The movie disappointed me.

 disappointed / disappointing

 be disappointed with /in about /at be disappointed to see/hear/find

 a disappointed expression disappointing news

 disappointment n. 失望 much to one?s disappointment

 be a disappointment to sb

 41.◎discount n. 折扣 discount price at a discount 以折扣价

 42.● discourage使气馁 discourage sb from doing sth

 discouraged discouraging discouragement

 43.discover v. / discovery n. make a discovery

 44.discuss v. discuss sth with sb

 discussion n. under discussion have/ hold a discussion

 45.dish n.盘子,餐具 I?ll do the dishes. 我来洗碗。

 46.◎dislike v. 不喜欢,厌恶 1) dislike doing 2) dislike it + 从句

 47. ◎dismiss v. 1) 拒绝考虑 dismiss sth as

 He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic.


 2)解雇 dismiss sb for sth dismiss sb. from the post

 3) 打发走,解散 The teacher will dismiss the class early today because of the snow .

 48.distance n. 距离 distant adj. 远的 in the distance 在远处

 at a distance of 数字 隔?.距离

 49.distinction n. 区别,差别;卓越,优秀

 1)make/draw a distinction 区别对待 2)the distinction between A and B

 3) of great distinction 卓越的 4)have the distinction of doing sth 有荣誉殊荣做某事

 50. distinguish v.区别,辨别 distinguish between A and B =distinguishA from B

 51.divide v. 划分;分配;除 ; divide sth up into 把?..分成?..份

 divide sth up between / among sb 在?.. 之间均分

 The food was divided among all the people。 Nine divided by three is three.

 Opinions are divided on the problem.

 52.◎divorce 离婚,离异 1) n. get a divorce divorce rate 2) v. get divorced

 53.●donate 捐赠,捐献 donate sth to sb/sth

 donation: organ donation make a donation to

 54.doubt n./ v. 怀疑 I never doubted that she would come.

 I doubted whether / if she would come. without / beyond doubt 毫无疑问

 there is no doubt about sth

 55.downstairs adv.到楼下,在楼下 go downstairs

 56.downtown adj. 市中心的; adv.往市中心区 a downtown office go downtown

 57.dozen n. 打 2 dozen eggs 2 dozen of these eggs dozens of eggs

 sell eggs by the dozen.

 58.drag-dragged-dragged 拖,拽 1) drag a leg 2) drag sb down 使某人感到不愉快

 59.draw-drew-drawn v.画; 拉,拖;吸引; draw the curtains

 draw sb?s attention to sth draw a conclusion 得出结论

 ?draw near 临近,接近 Christmas is drawing near.

 60.dream n. v. 做梦 dream of/about + n/doing dream a good dream

 61.dress n. 衣服 v.穿衣服 She dressed the child in a coat.

 She dressed well / badly. be dressed in 状态 get dressed in 动作

 dress up 打扮 dress up as Father Christmas

 62.drink-drank-drunk n.饮料 v. 喝

 drink to 为?干杯 Let?s drink to the friendship between us.

 drunk 喝醉的 drunken 喝醉了的

 63. drive v.驾驶, 开车; 驱逐; 迫使 drive a car / taxi drive sb mad

 64.drop n.滴 v. 落下; 降低; 倒下 The fruit dropped down from the tree.

 The price of sugar will drop soon. drop behind 落在后面

 drop in on sb/ at sp 顺便拜访人、地

 drop off 下降,减退; 睡着了,打盹

 drop out of sth 从?..退出,不再参加? He dropped out of politics.

 65.drown v. 淹死; (声音)掩盖 a drowning man/ a drowned man

 The noise of the train drowned his voice.

 66.drug n. 药;毒品 take drugs 吸毒 drug addict 吸毒上瘾的人

 67.dry adj.干的 v.弄干 dry up 干涸 ;枯竭,耗尽

 68.due adj.到期的,预期的

 be due to sb/sth 因为,由于 The team?s success was largely due to her efforts.

 be due to do 预期干某事 The next train is due to arrive in five minutes.

 The homework is due.


2017年高考全国卷1英语试卷结构 新课标各题型分值是多少分

1-5 ACDAD 6-10ADCAB11-15 BADCD 16-20ACDCB21-25 BBCDC 26-30 ACADC31-35DDBAC 36-40 CABAD41-45 CBDAA 46-50 DBCBD51-55 BACCB 56-60 DCBBC61-65 ACAAB66-70 DCBBA71-75 CDFAE76. When she gets excited. / When something goes herway.77. She felt embarrassed / awkward.78. Not to do the “silly dance” inpublic.79. She will continue to sing. / She won’t stop singing.80. Beingoneself. / Being who he / she is.短文改错:81. ... friend callingEmily. calling → called82. ... things that like ... 去掉that83.... what she asked ... asked后加for84. ... she hasborrowed! has → had85. ..., though she said ... though → but86. ... she couldremember ... could → couldn't或could后加not87.... made the list ... the → a88. ... gave them to ... them → it89. For mysurprise, ... For → To90. ... a dirt T-shirt. dirt → dirtyOne possibleversion:Dear Editor,Rubbish is now one of the main environmental problems.Withthe increasing population, more and more rubbish is produced every day and somerubbish does great harm to the environment: it pollutes the air, the soil andthe water. Today many cities are troubled by mountains of rubbish. It not onlyaffects our daily life but results in serious illnesses.We must find a betterway to deal with rubbish. First of all, rubbish should be put in differentplaces according to whether they can be recycled or not. Secondly, everybodymust realise that it is everybody's duty to keep the environment clean.Finally, I think that laws must be passed on how to deal with rubbish.Yourssincerely, Li Hua部分解析单项填空:21.D。have a(n) ... effect on sb. 对某人有…… 影响;growth在句中意为“成长”,是不可数名词,且其后有of children限定,表特指,故其前用the。22.C。根据答语中的Sorry 及表示转折的but可知,此处指“事情很紧急(urgent)”。concerned担心的;major 主要的;scary恐怖的,吓人的。23. A。hold 与the sports meet 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,又根据the day after tomorrow 可知hold 这一动作尚未发生,故用不定式的一般式的被动语态作定语,修饰the sports meet。24. B。玛丽总是被鼓励去游泳的目的是增强腿部的“力量(strength)”。energy精力,活力;protection保护;position 位置。25. D。haveno choice but to do sth. 别无选择只能做某事;do nothing but do sth. 什么都不做,只是做某事。26. B。根据答语“那很危险”可知应答者不让孩子们晚上出去。Absolutely not!(绝对不行!当然不可以!)符合语境。hopefully 希望如此;thankfully谢天谢地;rarely极少地。27. B。分析句子结构可知,空格后为定语从句,且定语从句中缺少地点状语,故选where,相当于inwhich。28. C。根据答语“别担心。我喜欢软一点的”可知,上句是说“融化(melts)前赶快吃掉你的冰淇淋”。expand 膨胀;dissolve溶解;recycle再循环。29.A。complain to sb. about sth.向某人抱怨某事。30. A。该句中make 后接复合宾语,to get there on time 是真正的宾语,故用it 作形式宾语。31. D。根据tomorrow 可知用将来时。这是一个there be句型,故选D项。32. D。题意:塑料燃烧时会散发出(give out)气体,这种气体对人有害并且会严重污染大气。take in 吸收;takeaway 拿走;give up放弃。33. B。由“没有多少时间了”可知,应选ina nutshell(简言之,概括地讲)。in other words 换句话说;ina way 在某种程度上;one after another 一个接一个地。34. A。根据上句“我想这不是个坏主意”可知,I couldn't agree with you more.(我完全同意)符合语境。35. C。根据答语中的Yes 可知,应答者将尽力按时完成这项工作。I'll do my best我将尽力而为。完形填空:话题:个人情感本文是夹叙夹议文。一位年轻人从松鼠跳跃树枝得到启发,从而鼓起勇气,决心为心仪的职位冒一次险。36. C。让你垂涎的梦想就是你想用尽一切办法使之成为“现实(reality)”的梦想。37.A。由下文的... take a risk ..., he landed safely in a position 可知,这位年轻人在工作中遇到了麻烦,不知如何“面对(face)”。38.B。由下文的But it still landed ... on a branch several feet lower可知,松鼠是从一棵“高(high)”树跳到另一棵。39.A。松鼠想跳到另外一棵树的树枝上。aim for 以……为目标。40.D。由下文的the jump looked impossible可知,松鼠离它想跳的树枝很远。out of reach够不到。41. C。由下文But一词可知,松鼠没有跳到它想跳的树枝上。miss 在此处为failto reach之意。42. B。虽然未达到目标,但松鼠仍然“安全地(safely)”跳到了较低的树枝上。下文的never seen one of them get hurt是提示。43. D。松鼠继续跳跃,最终到了自己“想要(wanted)”到达的那根树枝。44. A。老人认为松鼠不断跳跃的场面很“有趣(funny)”。45.A。很多松鼠如年轻人看到的松鼠一样“跳跃(jump)”。46.D。“很多松鼠错过目标”与“从未看到一只松鼠受伤”之间是转折关系,故选but。47.B。由下文的to take a chance 可知,松鼠“冒险(risk)”去跳跃树枝。48.C。松鼠是在树之间跳跃。49. B。松鼠尝试从很高的树跳跃到另外一棵高树上,是做好了准备去冒险。be prepared to do sth.准备做某事;乐意做某事。50. D。年轻人看到松鼠跳跃树枝的勇敢,反问自己是否缺少“勇气(courage)”面对工作中的困境。51. B。由下文的he landed safely in a position可知,年轻人“决定(decided)”冒险做他想做的事情。52. A。年轻人所得到的这个职位是他原来觉得“决不(never)”可能的。53.C。54. C。由松鼠跳跃树枝的故事可知,定下如奔向月亮的远大志向,“纵使(Evenif)”不能到达,也会跻身于繁星之中,也会比你现在的位置更高、更好。end up以……结束。55.B。既然人生短暂,时光易逝,为何不努力去实现最精彩的人生呢?possible可能发生的。阅读理解:A篇(自然)本文是记叙文。文章介绍了美国历史上一次严重的气候灾难。56. D。细节理解题。根据第二段的the wind picked up earth 和第三段的theangry mountain of dust 可知,黑色星期天发生的是一场沙尘暴。57. C。推理判断题。根据第三段Lila Lee说的I was sure I was going to die 可知,面对1935年那场沙尘暴,她感到非常惊恐。58. B。篇章结构题。根据上文可知,正是因为粘合土壤的草皮被铲掉,才导致沙尘暴的发生。59. B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段的During World War Ⅰ, there was good rain and wheat prices were high. Butafter the war, prices dropped 可知,一战以后,小麦价格下跌导致了一些人放弃了土地。B篇(周围的人)本文是记叙文。文章介绍了十二岁女孩Anna Koppelman 创办慈善组织来帮助他人的故事。60. C。推理判断题。从第三段的I got there and saw the kids' faces light up 可知,孩子们脸上喜悦的笑容说明了安娜初次举办的慈善生日宴会很成功。61. A。细节理解题。根据第四段的she has been amazed at the amount of time, energy, and resources peoplehave been willing to donate to her cause 可知,很多人支持安娜的慈善组织。62. C。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的encourages others to form Birthday Fairies clubs 和最后一段的she'dlike to see Birthday Fairies clubs in schools across the United States and inother parts of the world 可知,安娜希望传播她的善举。63. A。标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了十二岁女孩Anna Koppelman 开办慈善组织Birthday Fairies 来帮助他人的故事。A项中的A sweet cause 指代Anna Koppelman 所从事的慈善活动是一项能带给人们美好、甜蜜的事业。C篇(热点话题)本文是议论文。文章就图书馆是否应该提供视频游戏进行了讨论。64. A。细节理解题。休斯顿公共图书馆的事例是对上一句Adding video games has helped some libraries attractmore visitors 的进一步补充。由于提供视频游戏,休斯顿公共图书馆的访问者越来越多。65. B。词义猜测题。文章第一段的调查报告显示人们对图书馆提供视频游戏的喜爱,而第二段however 的转折引出了人们对此事的讨论,由此可知,并不是所有人都赞成图书馆提供视频游戏。故该短语有“支持”的意思。66.D。主旨大意题。本文作者从一项研究报告开始,引用两位读者的观点,展开了对图书馆是否应该提供视频游戏的讨论。D篇(旅游)本文是应用文。文章是一项迷你冒险活动的广告宣传。67. C。细节理解题。由文中的Return ferry crossing toVancouver Island 可知,此次活动有乘船旅行部分。68. B。细节理解题。由Activities You Can Choose (paid locally)部分所列的Whale watching US$70-$90 可知,观看鲸鱼是可以自由选择的活动。69. B。细节理解题。由文中的Accommodation:3 nights campingwith equipment(except the sleeping bag)可知,游客需自备睡袋。70. A。推理判断题。由文中的dates can be chosen to suit your needs 可知,Private Departures 更加灵活,游客可自行决定出发日期。选做题参考答案及解析参考答案I. 1-5 DDABD 6-10 CBCAC11-15 BADCD 16-20 BCDBDII. 1-5DBBDD解析完形填空:话题:社会本文是说明文。文章介绍了一个回收利用旧物品的项目。1. D。由上文的hasgot used to recycling ...可知,回收旧物品对Thornebrooke 小学的学生来说已经成为一种“习惯(habit)”。2.D。3. A。由下文的pays the school for the oldproducts 可知,Thornebrooke 小学通过“回收(recycling)”旧物品“得到(earned)”了钱。4.B。通过回收旧物而获利是一种为学校“集资(raisingmoney)”的方式。5. D。由下文的Thecartridges are refilled and resold. Used electronics are made into new products可知,回收再利用可以为地球“节约(saving)”资源。6.C。学生们习惯了回收旧物品,说明他们已经“意识(realized)”到为地球节约资源。7. B。回收再利用是一件“正确的(right)”事情。8.C。由下文

的free boxes to send the collected materials by post 可知,Thornebrooke小学把回收的旧物品“ 寄给(mails)”FundingFactory。9. A。Thornebrooke 小学和FundingFactory是合作关系。学校寄东西,“反过来(in turn)”,公司为这些旧物品支付一定的费用。10. C。除了旧手机和旧的油墨盒,FundingFactory还“接受(accepts)”其它的电子产品。11. B。由下文的It provides freeposters ...and free boxes ... 可知,FundingFactory提供的便利使得学校很“容易(easy)”参与。12. A。学校给FundingFactory 邮寄回收的旧物品,从而得到新产品或者现金。either ... or ... 是固定搭配,“或……或……”。13. D。回收再利用旧物品的项目会对世界和未来“产生影响(making adifference)”。14. C。全社会可以共同合作是这些绿色项目传递的一个“重要的(important)”信息。15. D。FundingFactory 是一家接收学校邮递旧物品的公司,而当地的企业捐赠给学校旧产品。由此可知,通过Funding-Factory 项目,当地企业和学校建立了“联系(connections)”。16. B。FundingFactory 项目的目的是为了“帮助(help)”学校。17. C。由上文的their usedproducts 可知,被回收的东西都是企业准备“扔掉(throw away)”的。18. D。由Lewis has bought new equipment可知,学校通过FundingFactory 项目得到钱从而购买新设备。19. B。因为被当地媒体报道,故学生们对回收再利用感到“兴奋(excited)”。20. D。Feagin Mill 学校回收了本来要被当地企业扔掉的旧产品,而这是一件对环境保护有益的事情,故他们的努力是“与环境有关的(environmental)”


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题l分,满分10分)

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


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