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简介1.必背高考英语3500词2.高考英语单词词组35003.高考3500词涵盖初中1600词吗4.高考想提分你就背!高中英语3500词(乱序版),助你词汇量飙升5.高考必备3500词汇有哪些?6.英语备考资料:高考英语3500词 2017高考英语3500词详解  在高考中要想取得优异成绩,必须学好词汇。为了帮助大家,下面我整理了高考英语3500词以N开头的词汇,希











 1.name n. 名字,名气 v. 命名

 She first made her name as a writer of children?s books. 出名 enjoy a good name 享有盛名 by name 用名字 She asked for you by name. by the name of=named? 名叫?的 in God?s/Heen?s name=in the name of God/Heen 究竟,到底,看在上帝的份上

 in the name of? 为? ,再?名下 be named after 取名

 a boy named?/naming himself? 名叫 name him (as) captain 任命

 namely =that is? 即,也就是说?

 2./narrowly adj./adv. 狭窄的,勉强的, v. 缩小 a narrow victory 险胜

 be beaten narrowly 差点儿,以毫厘之差 She has a very narrow view of the world. 狭隘的 She escaped injury narrowly. 险些 in the narrow/broad sense 狭义/广义上

 3. native adj. 出生的,当地的 n. 当地人 my native language-mother tongue 母语

 The tiger is native to India. 原产于 a native of London 当地人

 4./almost adv. 几乎,差不多 I he worked here for nearly 10 years.

 almost everyone 几乎所有人 not nearly=much less than=not at all=far from 远非,绝不是 There isn?t nearly enough time to get there now.

 5. necessary adj. 必要的,必须的 It is necessary for sb. to do?

 If (it is) necessary, you can call on me. It is necessary that ?(should)?

 6. neck n. 颈,脖子 neck and neck (with?) 比赛中势均力敌,不分上下

 a round-necked sweater 一件圆领毛衣

 7. need v./n. 需要 They badly need a change.

 There is no need for sb. to do/he no need to do? 没有必要做?

 There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.

 I he no need to open the letter. in need of 需要

 if need be=if necessary 如果有必要/需要

 There is always food in the freezer if need be. I am in need of some fresh air.

 8. neither pron. 两者都不

 They produced two reports, neither of which contained any useful suggestions.

 neither?nor? 既不?也不? either?or? 或?或?

 9. noise n. 噪音 We had to shout above the noise of traffic. noisy adj.

 voice n. 嗓音 in a low/high voice 高声地/低声的.; She has a good voice.

 sound n. 声音 Light trels much faster than sound. adj. 正常的 n. 正常 normally adv.

 It?s normal to feel tired after such a long trip.

 normal temperature above /below normal

 return to normal/get back to normal 恢复正常 common常见的,共同的

 a common mistake常见错误;common sense常识;common practice 习惯做法

 ordinary 普通的(erage) ordinary-looking 相貌平平的

 usual 通常的 as usual 和往常一样 than usual 比往常更

 11. nose n. 鼻子 a running/runny nose 流鼻涕的鼻子

 12. nothing pron. 没有什么 for nothing=for free 免费的 he nothing to do with

 nothing but=just 仅仅,只不过 I want nothing but the best for my children.

 anything but 绝不 The hotel was anything but cheap. 不可靠,不真实 There is nothing to it.=It?s very easy.

 注意 v. 注意到 take notice of=pay attention to 注意

 Don?t take any notice of what you read in the papers.

 come to my notice 让我看到 put up a notice 公告,通知 另行通知 notice sb/sth. do/doing/done 既然 Now that the guests left ,we?ve got a lot of extra space.

 (every) now and then/again=from time to time 不时地 It is now or never. 机不可失 无处 go/get no where/get sb. nowhere 毫无进展

 The discussion got nowhere this morning.

 nowhere to be found/seen/in sight 不可能找到 My ticket is nowhere to be found.

 Nowhere in the world other than Britain can you experience four seasons in a single day.




作用、词汇量要求、学习方法不同。高考3500是高中英语教学的重要组成部分,是指高考考纲要求的词汇。四级词汇4700多个、词组近2000个。高考3500是为高考考生准备的,而四级词汇是针对大学生的。 英语单词怎么背 虽然英语单词量很多,并且作为中国人来讲,感觉很多英语单词都长得一个样,但是,哪怕有些英语单词只有一个字母不一样,那么他们还是有很大区别的。首先,要给自己下一个定义,单词虽多且不易分辨,但每个单词都是有自己的特点,掌握其独特的记忆方法,一定能与其他单词区别开来从而不记混淆。 不要死记硬背,要在阅读文章和使用中背单词。每个单词不要花费太多的时间,应该多次重复,降低每个单词消耗的时间。多注意身边的英语,如产品说明书,各种标语,公共场合的的一些提示语。不要单纯的抄写单词,学会根据单词的发音,写单词。注意掌握易混单词,应先熟悉一个单词,再背与之对应的易混单词,并且记住他们的区别。应有周期的对已背过的单词进行巩固,强化他们在大脑中的印象。应将一些容易错的和记不住的单词写在小卡片上,随身携带,也能提高效率,并在不同时段巩固记忆。 英语单词的记忆方法 联想记忆,实际上是对比记忆,也就是说,当出现两个极其相似的英文单词时,同学完全可以把它们放到一起来进行记忆,这样不仅能够记住想死的两个单词,但而且不至于灰将其混淆,产生错误。 音标记忆,比较适合有一定的英语基础的同学,在掌握了音标之后,可以在积累的过程中发现,英语音标的发音会对应不同的字母,所以这种方法是比较根源性的,当能够拼出一个单词的时候,那也就意味着这个单词已经会写了,这是一种比较难的方法,但它的效率却是最高的。





 1.●abandon v. 放弃,遗弃,抛弃 abandon the baby/ child/ friend

 abandon the plan/ idea/ effort/ hope

 abandon oneself to 陷入,沉湎于 He abandoned himself to despair.

 2. ◎ability n. 能力; 才能 the ability to walk 行走的能力

 to the best of one?s ability 竭尽全力 He completed the job to the best of his ability.

 3.●abnormal adj.不正常的,畸形的,反常的 They thought his behior was abnormal.


 4. ◎aboard prep. adv.在船(飞机,火车)上,上船(飞机,轮船)

 all the people aboard 机上的人

 5. about prep关于,ad 大约,到处

 a) be about to do sth?(when) I was about to go out when it began to rain.

 b) look about/around/round c) How/What about?询问情况或建议

 6 . above prep 在?上面 above all 首先;尤其

 7. abroad ad.到(在)国外 a) go /study /live abroad b) at home and abroad在国内外

 8. ●absence n. 不在,缺席

 absence from work/ school The decision was made in my absence.

 in the absence of 在缺少?条件下 The case was dismissed in the absence of proof.

 9. ◎absent adj. 缺席的,不在的 be absent from absent-minded adj. 心不在焉的

 10. ◎absorb vt. 1) 吸收,吸进(液体,气体等) 2) 理解,掌握

 absorb ink/ water/ neat/ light/ oxygen/ sound/ energy

 absorb information/ knowledge be absorbed in 专注于,聚精会神于?

 11.●abuse v / n. 滥用,谩骂 abuse alcohol/ drugs 酗酒 /嗜毒

 abuse power/ position/ privilege 滥用权力/职权/特权

 12. accept vt.

 accept the gift /invitation /plan accept sb/sth as?

 13.●access n.方法,通路,机会

 The only access to the farm was a narrow bridge.

 Only high officials he access to the emperor.

 We students he access to the school library.

 accessible adj. 可进入的,可接近的,可使用的

 Such information is not easily accessible to the public.

 14. accident n.事故,意外的事

 by accident/chance 偶然,无意中;不小心

 15. ●accompany v. 陪伴,伴随,伴奏 accompany sb. to the school/ supermarket

 accompany the singer on / at the piano Lightening usually accompanies thunder.

 16. ●accomplish v. 完成,到达,实现 accomplishment n. 成就,成绩

 accomplish the task/ purpose/ goal

 17. according to 根据 According to the law, he should be sentenced to death.

 18. ◎accuse vt. 指控,指责 accuse sb of (doing ) sth 控告?

 19.● accustomed adj. 习惯的.,适应的,惯常的

 be/ get/ become accustomed to doing He was soon accustomed to getting up early.

 20. ache vi./n headache / toothache My back aches so much.

 21. achieve vt 达到;取得 achievement n 成就

 achieve success/victory/one?s goal;

 22.◎achievement n. 成就,业绩;完成(任务等) make great achievements

 23.●acknowledge v. 承认,致谢

 It is generally acknowledged that global warming is caused by greenhouse gases.

 Yaoming is acknowledged as/ to be the best player in China.

 I acknowledged financial support from the local .

 24. across prep cross v. I walked across the street.; cross a street; come/run across碰到

 25. act n.法令,条例 vt.表演,扮演,行动,做事

 act as 充当;扮演 act out 把?表演出来

 26. action n. 行动 take action to do sth put sth into action 把?付诸实施

 27. active adj. 积极的;主动的 take an active part in /be active in 积极参加

 28.◎activity n. 活动 outdoor activities 户外运动

 29.actual a.实际的 actually adv. in (actual) fact 实际上

 30●adapt vi. 适应,适合,改编 vt. 使适应 adapt to change /the city life

 adapt oneself to the new surroundings adapt the novel for a film adaptation n. 适应

 31. add vt 添加,增加,补充说(that)

 add(?)to 添加 add up 把?加在一起 add up to总计为; 总数为

 a) His illness added to our trouble. b) He added that he would come again.

 c) Please add these figures up. d) These numbers add up to 100.

 e) He added some salt to the water.

 32. address n.地址 vt.写地址;向?讲话(尤指演讲)

 address the letter to sb. 给某人寄信 The letter was wrongly addressed.

 The president addressed the public.

 33.●adjust vt. 调整,调节,适应 adjust your speed /the volume/ the camera

 adjust to the dark/ the single life adjust yourself to the student life adjustment n. 调整,调节

 34. admire v 钦佩.;羡慕

 admire sb for sth I admire John for his courage.

 35. admit vt (admitted ,admitted)

 1) 承认 admit one?s mistakes; admit doing/hing done

 He admitted hing stolen the money.

 2) 准许(入场,入学,入会) admit sb to /into?sb be admitted to

 He has been admitted to Beijing University.

 36.●adopt v. 收养,用,纳

 adopt a child the adopted son/ daughter

 adopt a new policy/ a suggestion/ a plan/ an attitude

 37. advance vi推进,促进;前进 adj. advanced 先进的/ 高级的

 in advance 预先,事先 an advanced worker

 38. advantage n. 优点,好处(可数名词) 反:disadvantage

 take advantage of 利用 he an advantage over 优于? to sb?s advantage 对(某人)有利

 39. ◎advertise vt. 为?做广告

 1)为?做广告 advertise a product / things

 2)登广告征求/寻找? advertise for a new sales manager

 40. advice n/u. advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 take/follow/ accept one?s advice 接受某人的建议

 ask sb for advice 向某人寻求建议 a piece of advice 一条建议

 give sb some advice on sth

 advise sb (not) to do; advise doing; advise that ?(should)+do

 Our teacher advised that we should study hard.

 41. ●affect vt. 影响, 深深打动,使悲伤等

 Smoking affects health. People were deeply affected by the death of Jin Zhengri.

 42. afford vt. 负担得起,抽得出(时间); 提供

 can/could/be able to afford sth/to do sth I can?t afford a book/to buy the book

 43. afraid a. 害怕的;担心

 be afraid to do 因为害怕不敢做?; be afraid of doing 害怕?

 She was afraid to go out alone at night. She was afraid of waking him up.

 44. against prep 对着,反对, 靠着,迎着,衬着

 stand against the wall (靠墙站着) go against nature; be against sth 反对

 They are strongly against the plan. The pine tree were black against the morning sky.

 45. age n.年龄;时代 vi. 变老 for ages 多年; at an early age; at the age of ? ;

 of the same age=of an age After his wife?s death he aged quickly.

 46. agree vi. 同意;应允

 1)agree with ① agree with sb / what you say/your opinion.

 ②表示一致;? (食物、天气、工作等)对?适宜?:

 The weather does not agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。

 A verb must agree with its subject in person and number.

 What he does does not agree with what he says. 他言行不一致。

 2)agree to the plan/ the arrangement/ the suggestion .

 3)agree on /upon主要指双/多方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议:

 We agreed on the price. 我们就价格达成了一致意见。

 Both sides agreed on these terms. 双方都同意这些条件。

 4) agree to do sth He agreed to go with us. 他同意同我们去。

 5) reach/arrive at/come to an agreement 6) I can?t/couldn?t agree more.

 47. ahead ad. 在前,向前 ahead of time 提前 go ahead 前进,干吧,说吧

 48.◎aid n. 援助;救护;工具

 first aid 急救 in aid of 支持

 by ( the) aid of 借助于,通过?的帮助 come/ go to one?s aid 帮助某人

 v. 帮助,促进 aid (sb/ sth) in/ with ( doing) sth 帮助某人做?

 49. aim at

 ① 瞄准,对准 He aimed the gun at the enemy officer.

 ② (向某方面)努力 She's aiming at ( trying to win) a scholarship.

 ③ 针对某人 My words were not aimed at you.

 50.◎alike adj. 相像,十分相似 We are alike in many ways.

 adv. 相似的,相同的 They tried to treat their children alike.

 51. alive a. 活着的,存在的 catch ?alive 活捉 keep?alive be alive with= be full of

 The lake was alive with fish. Who is the greatest man alive.(后置定语)

 52. allow v 准许,允许 allow doing/ sb to do

 allow for 把 考虑进去 Has everything been allowed for in your plan?

 53. almost adv几乎,差不多

 Almost no one/nobody came to the party. There was almost no snow that winter.

 54. alone adj/adv 单独的 孤独的

 1) 形容词She is alone at home. (她独自一人在家。)

 2) 副词I like to work alone. (我喜欢独自一人工作。)

 3) ?只有,仅仅?, The shoes alone cost $200. ※ let /lee sb /sth alone 别打扰

 let alone 更不用说

 ★ lonely

 1) 定语, ?孤单的,无伴侣的,无人烟的,荒凉的,偏僻的? a lonely man / island.

 2) 表语,?孤寂的,寂寞的? feel lonely ※ He lives alone but he doesn?t feel lonely.

 55. aloud ad.大声地 read aloud/ think aloud

 56. ◎amaze vt. 使惊奇,惊叹;震惊

 What amazes me is how long she managed to hide it from us.

 It amazed me that he could be so calm at such a time.

 amazed adj. 惊奇的,惊讶的 amazing adj.令人惊奇的,惊叹的;震惊的

 I? m ___ that you he never heard of the Rolling Stones.

 It?s ____ how often you see drivers using mobile phones.

 57. ◎ amount n. 数额(尤指数量,大小等) a large amount of +u/n

 large amounts of +u/n v. (数量,意义等) 等同,相当于 amount to

 1) (数量上)达到,总计

 Time lost through illness amounts to 1,357 working days.因疾病而损失的时间总共为


 Ultimately, their ideas amount to the same thing. 归根结底,他们想的都是一回事。

 58. ● amuse vt. 使快乐,逗乐amuse sb. 使?高兴 The funny drawings amused the kids.

 be amused by/at/ with 被?逗乐 amuse oneself 自娱自乐

 The boys amused themselves by drawing. amusement n. to one?s amusement

 59. ◎amusement n. 1) ,乐趣 to one?s amusement 让某人发笑

 They were dancing and singing in the car, much to the amusement of passers-by.


 2) 活动,消遣活动 amusements amuse vt. amuse sb/ oneself 使开心,逗笑

 amused / amusing adj. an amused smile / look/ expression 愉快的微笑/ 神情/ 表情

 an amusing story/ film 有趣的,好笑的,逗人发笑的故事/ **

 60. angry adj 生气的,愤怒的 (angrily /angrier )

 be angry at (about) 因为?而生气 be angry with sb 生某人的气

 61. announce vt. 宣布,宣告,公布

 announce a decision / plan/ intention announce sth to sb announce that

 At the end of the meeting , it was announced that an agreement had been reached.

 make an announcement

 62.◎announcement n. 通告,通知

 63.◎annoy vt. (使)烦恼 be annoyed with sb.for (at) sth.

 What annoyed him most was that he had received no apology.

 annoyed adj. 略感烦恼(生气)的 annoying adj. 讨厌的,令人烦恼的

 It?s _____that we didn?t know about this before.令人恼火的事,我们事先并不知道这一切

 Mr Dies was ____that the books were missing.戴维斯先生生气了,因为那些书不见了。

 64. answer n. the answer to the question v. answer a question/the door/the phone;

 answer for 对? 负责 You will he to answer for your wrong doing one day.

 65. ◎anxiety n. 忧虑,焦急,担心

 anxious adj. 焦虑的,不安的;担心的 be anxious about sth for sb

 渴望的,急切的 be anxious to do sth

 67. ◎apologize n. 道歉,歉意 apology n.

 make an apology/ apologies to sb for sth apologise to sb for sth

 68. ●eal v. n. 吸引,呼吁,恳求

 The design has ealed to people of all ages. I eal to you to protect the environment.

 he/ hold eal for sb. 对某人有吸引力 lose one?s eal 失去吸引力

 69. ear 1) vi. 出现,露面 The man suddenly ______ from behind the tree scared me.

 2) 系动词 似乎,好像 ear+ (to be) + n/adj 似乎

 It ears (to sb) that /as if He eared to be hy in the news.

 It ears to me that he will win

 It ears that all the files he been deleted.档案好像都已经被删除了。

 Police say there ear to be signs of a break-in.警方称似乎有破门而入的迹象。

 70. ◎earance n. 出现,露面;容貌 judge by earances 以貌取人

 71.◎lication n.申请 make an lication for

 72. ly v. 申请 ly for 申请;请求,接洽

 ly sth to ?运用,应用 ly oneself to 致力于,集中精力做某事

 73. ●oint vt. 任命,委派,安排,确定

 1) 任命,委派A committee was ointed to consider the plan. 一个委员会被指定去研究这些。 He was ointed as chairman.

 2). 约定,确定 Everyone got there at the ointed time.

 In the evening he made his way to the ointed meeting place.

 74. ointment n.

 make an ointment 约定、会 his ointment as president 他担任总统的任命

 75. ◎reciate vt. 欣赏;感激 reciate your concern reciate doing sth

 reciate your abilities/ fine works of art I?d reciate it if you let me get on with my job.

 76. ◎roach 1). v. 接近;靠近;走进

 As they roached the wood, a rabbit ran out of the trees.

 I find him difficult to roach. The winter vacation is roaching.

 2). n. 接近;方法;途径;通路

 He decided to adopt a different roach and teach the Bible through story-telling.

 His roach to the problem are wrong. All the roach to the palace were guarded by troops.

 77. ●rove vi. 赞成 vt. 同意,批准 rove of 赞成,同意 rove of one?s idea

 He doesn?t rove of my leing this year. rove the plan/ proposal 通过/ 提议

 roval n.

 79. argue vi. 争辩,争论 n. argument 1) argue for /against 赞成/反对

 2) argue sb into/out of doing sth 说服某人做/不做某事

 3) argue with sb about sth 与某人争论某事

 80. ◎arise arose arisen vi. 1) 出现,发生,产生 A new crisis has arisen. 新危机出现。

 2)起床,起身,起立 He arose at dawn. 他黎明即起。

 81.◎argument n. 1)争论,辩论 he an argument with sb about / over sth

 2) 论点,论据 a powerful argument against smoking argue v. argue with sb about / over sth

 82. arm

 n. 手臂,支架 武器(复) arm in arm 手挽手 take up arms 拿起武器

 vt. 以?装备,武装起来 arm?with?

 Armed with the new equipment, the explorers entered the ce. be armed to the teeth 全副武装

 83. around 在周围; 在附近; 大约

 around the corner 在拐角处,即将到来 around the clock 昼夜不停地

 84.◎arrange vt. 安排,布置

 arrange an ointment 安排预约 He you arranged to meet Mark this weekend?

 We had arranged that I would go for the weekend.我们商量好了,这个周末我去。

 He arrived as arranged. 他如约而至。

 The company will arrange for a taxi to meet you at the airport.

 De arranged for someone to drive him home.

 arrangement n. 安排,布置 make arrangements for?

 85.◎arrest vt. 逮捕,拘捕 He got arrested for careless driving.

 n. put / place sb under arrest 逮捕某人

 86. arrive v arrival n. 到来;达到 arrive at Guests receive dinner on/upon their arrival

 87. article n. 文章;东西;物品;冠词 an article of clothing 一件衣服

 88. ashamed adj 惭愧,害臊

 89. asleep adj 睡着的,熟睡 (表语形容词) fall asleep 入睡 He seems to be fast asleep.

 90. ●assist v. 帮助,协助 assist sb. in dong /with sth.

 we?ll assist you in finding a place to live.

 She employed a woman to assist her with the housework.

 assistance n. technical/ military assistance 技术/军事援助

 91. ●assume v. 定,设 It is assumed that?普遍认为

 I had assumed him to be a teacher. 我本以为他是老师。

 He assumed an air of concern. 他装出关心的样子。 assuming (that)? 设,如

 92. assumption n.

 a) be ashamed of 以为是耻辱 b) be ashamed of oneself for 为?而害羞

 c) feel ashamed for sb 替某人感到羞愧 ※ ashamed & shameful


 shameful指事物或本身可耻不道德。 He is ashamed of his shameful conduct.

 93. astonish v 使惊讶 astonished /astonishing

 be/look astonished at 对?感到大吃一惊 an astonished look

 94. attach attach ?to

 95. attempt v. 试图,尝试

 attempt to do He was charged with attempting to kill his wife.

 attempt sth The plane crashed while attempting an emergency landing.

 n. make an attempt to do /at doing 试图做某事

 96. attend v. 看护,照料,服侍;出席,参加 attend a meeting/ school/ church/ the concert

 attend to sth处理,注意 I he a few other things to attend to.

 attend to sb 看护 attend to a baby

 . attention n. 注意,关心

 pay ( much/no/little) attention to draw one?s attention to

 fix one?s attention/mind/eyes on; attract one?s attention

 98. attract v. 吸引,引起 Like attracts like 物以类聚

 99. ailable

 100. erage adj 平均的;普通的 n. 平均数 on (the)erage 按平均

 I was just an erage sort of student. 我只是一个普通学生。

 101. oid doing

 102. awake v. 唤醒;(awoke/ awoken) Is he awake or asleep? awake to sth 意识到 醒悟到

 It took her some time to awake to the dangers of her situation. adj 醒着的be wide awake

 103. award n. v.

 104. aware be aware of

 105. away adv离开;远离 keep away from 保持距离; far away 在远处

 right away 立刻,马上; give away 泄露,赠送

 106. awful

 adj.可怕的; 糟糕的; 非常的; 极坏的;




…(money) worth of sth. ……价值……(接数词) …has a population of… ……人口数量是…… …times as big as ……是……几倍大 …times the size of ……是……几倍大

a (great/large/small) number of 许多(接可数名词复数;谓语动词用复数)

A (together) with B ……A与B一样,……(谓语动词与A一致)

A as well as B ……A跟B一样,……(谓语动词与A一致)

A besides B… 除了B以外,A……(谓语动词与A一致)

a bit of 一点(接不可数名词) a bit 一点(接形容词) a bunch of 一束、一捆

a certain 某一个(接可数名词单数) a copy of 一份(报纸等)

a couple of 几个、一些、三两个(接可数名词复数)

a crowd of 一群、许多

a developed country (一个)发达国家 a developing country (一个)发展中国家 a diet of healthy foods 一份营养食谱 a fallen tree 一棵倒了的树

a few moment later 一会儿、不久以后 a few pieces of advice 几点建议

a good/great deal of 大量(接不可数名词) a good/great many 大量(接可数名词复数)

a great deal 许多东西 a group of 一群……

a highly-developed country 高度发达国家 a kind of sth. 一类…… a knife and fork 一副刀叉

a knowledge of 某一学科的知识 a lack of 缺乏

a large quantity of 大量(接可数、不可数名词) a large/small/great amount of 一些(接不可数名词)

A like B… 像B一样,A……(谓语动词与A一致) a little bit 一点(接形容词) a little 一点(接形容词) a loaf of bread 一个面包 a lost life in a desert 鸿沟 a lot more interesting 更有趣 a lot more 许多

a lucky escape 地逃脱

a narrow escape 侥幸逃脱、九死一生 a piece of advice 一条建议 a place of interest 一处名胜 a point of view 一种观点

A rather than B 与其B,不如A a series of 一系列的

a source of ……的一个来源 a third ①三个中的一个 ②三分之一 a total of 总计……(接数词) a type of 一种

a variety of 一种

a waste of money/time/… 浪费(金钱、时间等) a year and a half 一年半

above all 最重要的是,首先要 according to 根据、依照

achieve one's aim/goal 实现某人的目标 achieve success 取得成功 act a part ①扮演一个角色 ②装 act as if 装(接从句,有虚拟语气) act the part of sb. 演……的角色 add A to B 把A加到B上 add to 增加到

add up to 总计(无被动形式) m.niuyingyu.cn

address a/the letter 写信(的地址) address sth. to sb. 给某人讲…… admit to 承认

advise (that) sb. (should) do 建议某人应该做某事(虚拟语气)

advise sb. to do 劝说某人去做 afford sb. sth. 为某人承担…… afford sth. to sb. 为某人承担…… afford to do 能够去做 after a time 一段时间后 after a while 不久 after all 毕竟;终究

after that 从这以后(用一般现在时) agree on 在……达成共识 agree that… 同意……(接从句)






词汇 ,无疑是高考英语成败的决定性因素。每位高中生,对词汇的掌握和记忆都不该有丝毫懈怠。

网上有很多高考英语3500单词的版本,但是乱序版应该是最经典的一个了。刚开始背熟的时候正序版对同学们是有好处的, 正序的词汇书比较完整 。学了正序单词后,可以通过自己做笔记来设定乱序的word list。这样看起来好像多花了时间,其实对你记单词是很有帮助的。

但是很多同学在背英语单词的时候,都不喜欢按照正常的单词顺序去背诵了,因为这样很容易忘,记得不够扎实,而且正序版背诵之后,慢慢的也肯定会出现单词混淆的状况,所以等同学们正序背诵的差不多的时候,就要开始使用乱序版。 乱序版涵盖了教育部考试大纲要求的全部词汇 ,用乱序编排,以“词根+联想”记忆法为主,更便于背诵。

所以今天社长给同学们分享的就是 高中英语3500词(乱序版),一共106页 。收录大量的词汇搭配用法及近义词辨析,还有高考考点、用法精讲、派生词等内容,结合记录记忆能很好地提高记忆效率,很适合作为高中生使用的单词本。同学们好好利用,准能提高效率!

当然啊,如果到后面你已经能够掌握那3500个基本单词了,可以用 维克多英语 或是其他一些扩容的英语单词,这个很重要。

因为篇幅过多,发到平台的只是截取的部分资料 ,建议大家来找我领取一份完整资料打印在手里,这样才能让知识浮现眼前,才真正有作用。

这些都是无偿分享的呀~大家可以 来小窗口私信我英语106(一定要先主动呀~)









英 ['p?s?nl]? 美 ['p?rs?nl]

adj. 私人的;个人的

n. (报刊)私人专栏

I he something personal to discuss with you.



英 [ta?]? 美 [ta?]

n. 束缚;使人结合在一起的事物;领带;绳;不分胜负

v. 系;约束;捆绑;打结;连结

He doesn't want any ties; that's why he never married.



英 [st?l]? 美 [st?l]

adj. 静止的;不动的;静寂的

adv. 更;仍然;静止地

v. 使......平静下来

n. 蒸馏器;寂静;定格照

Beware of silent dog and still water.



英 ['?f?(r)]? 美 ['?f?r]

vt. 提供;提出;(卖方)出价;贡献

vi. 提议;出现;求婚

n. 提议;出价

Can you offer any evidence in support of what you he said?



英 [?'d?n]? 美 [?'d?n]

n. 增加;加法;附加物

In addition to a diet, she pursues various exercises on TV.



 1.idea n. he some/ no idea + 从句 / of ?

 I he no idea why she left. / I he no idea of his address.

 2. ◎identity n The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.

 The thief used a false identity. identity card=ID card

 4.ill adj 1) ill与sick的区别 He was ill/ sick. a sick mother

 2) = bad he a bad/ an ill effect on?影响不好 speak/ think ill of sb. 说某人的坏话

 5. ◎illegal / legal adj. It is illegal to drive through a red light.

 illegally adv. He entered the country illegally.

 6. imagine v. imagine sth. / doing sth. I can?t imagine life without the children now. I can?t imagine 7.◎immediately adv. He answered almost immediately.

 Turn right immediately after the church.

 conj. Immediately he had gone,I remembered her name.

 immediate adj. an immediate reaction / response take immediate action

 8. ●import 进口,输入 n. the import of electrical goods.

 v. All the meat is imported from France.

 9. ◎ impression n. a) get a good / bad impression of sb a general / an overall impression b) My words made no impression on her.

 His trip to India makes a strong impression on him.

 c) be under the impression that

 I was under the impression that the work had already been completed.

 impress v. impress sb with sth / sb He impressed us with his sincerity.

 impress sth on / upon sb He impressed on us the need for immediate action.

 impress sth / itself on / upon sth Her words impressed themselves on my memory.

 11.in prep.

 ○1 in a word一句话说 ○2 in all 总共

 ○3 in modern times ○4 be measured in tons 用吨来衡量

 ○5 in that? 因为 ○6 in the eighth century/ in the1990s ○7 in one?s twenties

 ○8 in pencil/ English/ ink用铅笔/英语/墨水 ○9 pay sth in cash


 12.include v.

 13. increase 1) v. increase to / by 增加到/了

 2) n Great demands lead to a large increase in supply.

 increasingly adv. 越来越多的,不断增加的'

 increasingly difficult/ important/ popular

 15. ◎indicate A red sky at night often indicated fine weather the next day.

 In his letter, he indicated to us that he was willing to cooperate.

 indication n. indication of sth / doing sth

 They ge no indication of how the work should be done .

 16. ◎ industry n.------ industrial adj. hey / light industry

 17. influence n. he a strong? ~ on/ upon sb / sth

 ~over sb / sth His parents no longer he any ~ over her.

 under the ~ of sb / sth He committed the crime under the ~ of the drugs.

 Those friends are a bad ~ on her. v. His writings he ~d the lives of millions.

 18.● inform 告诉,通知 inform sb. of /that

 We regret to inform you that your lication has been rejected.

 keep sb. informed of make informed decision

 19.◎ injure v. He ~d his knee playing football.

 This could seriously ~the company?s reputation.

 injury n. injuries There were no injuries in the crash.

 The players are out of the team because of injury.

 20. ◎ insert v. ~ sth in / into/ between sth

 They ~a tube in his mouth to help him breathe.

 ~ sth into sth He ~ed a paragraph into his will.

 1The man insisted that he 21. insist v. ○

 ○2 insist on doing sth.

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