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简介1.09年浙江高考听力答案第4题到底选什么?2.高考英语阅读理解带答案浙江省新高考研究联盟2011届第一次联考 英语-参考答案:1—5 CCDAB 6—10 DADDA 11—15 DCCBD 16—20 CBDBC21—25 CADCA 26—30 BDCAD 31—35 BCADB 36—40 DACDA41---44 BAAC 45—48




浙江省新高考研究联盟2011届第一次联考 英语-参考答案:

1—5 CCDAB 6—10 DADDA 11—15 DCCBD 16—20 CBDBC

21—25 CADCA 26—30 BDCAD 31—35 BCADB 36—40 DACDA

41---44 BAAC 45—48 DDAC 49--52 ACBA 53—56 BDBA

57—60 BDBC

任务性阅读 CBDAF

第一节. 短文改错


How are you? As a exchange student, I am writing to tell you I would prefer to move into


a single room in next term, as I find it inconvenient to share a room with others. My roommate


often held parties at night, made much noise. Besides, his friends are always visiting him, that

holds making which

disturbs me a lot. So I hope to draw your attentions to this problem. If you think in my position, I


am sure he will agree that the only solution for me is ∧ get a room of my own, one not in the

you to

same building and as near to the school campus as possible. I would be gratefully if you could do

but grateful

me the favor.

Best wishes. Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Nowadays, some students would not like to live in a dormitory. Instead, they rent houses outside the school. There are advantages for both. Living in a dormitory can increase the friendship and cooperation with roommates. And, of course, it is safer. A dormitory is more like a small society, which enables students to learn to adapt to each other, and prepare for the social life later. As for renting houses to live alone, it’s better for study as you can feel free in your own room without being interrupted by others. As a result, you can have more time to devote yourself to studying whole-heartedly. But there may appear some safety problems as you live outside of the school.

Anyhow, as a student, I prefer living in a dormitory.





 WANG Hao and Wang Liqin, two of China's top table tennis players, both saw the World Table Tennis Championships as a chance to prove themselves. But there was only one champion (冠军) and Wang Hao, 25, won it last Tuesday in Yokohama , Japan.

 Wang Hao, who won the men's doubles title with Chen Qi last Monday, played with spirit to beat Wang Liqin 11-9, 13-11, 11-5, 11-9.

 Wang Hao said it was his mental toughness (心理稳定) that made the difference. "I was disappointed by my performances in past championships and the last two Olympic Games. But I have tried to pull myself together and prepared well. This is the result."

 Wang Hao said he has always understood the importance of physical training and technical skills. Now he knows the need for mental preparation as well. Having two Olympic silvers had left him feeling bitter (痛苦的). The bitterness perhaps explains why he has not always played at his best in the past.

 "I've come to understand that you can learn important lessons from failure," he said. "Losing can build your character and make you a stronger player." His next goal, or dream, is to win the gold medal at the London Olympics in 2012.

 Liu Guoliang, head coach of China's table tennis team, sang the praises of Wang Hao's victory. "This is just the beginning of his rise," said Liu. "It's the confidence-booster he needs to make further progress."

 1.According to the passage, Wang Hao won _____ gold medals in the World Table Tennis Championships in Yokohama, Japan.

 A.only one B.two C.three D.four

 2.From Wang Hao, we can know the main reason for his beating Wang Liqin is ______.

 A.his technical skills B. his physical training

 C.his mental toughness D. his past experience

 3.What is the next goal of Wang Hao?

 A.To win the title of the champion at the 2012 Olympics

 B.To beat Wang Liqin again

 C.To prove himself in the future competitions

 D.To win more golds in future

 4.What can we learn from Wang Hao?

 A.Failure is the mother of success.

 B.Never give up until you succeed.

 C.Where there is a will, there is a way.

 D.A good beginning makes a good ending.







 3.错解分析典型错误D.错因分析审题不清,D项也许是Wang Hao的远期目标,但是题干是the next goal。

 解题指导细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中的“His next goal, or dream, is to win the gold medal at the London Olympics in 2012.”可知。注意审题。






 Have you ever used solar energy to boil a bottle of water or take a shower? Have you ever thought that solar energy is far away from our daily lives? You may doubt about that. In Japan, there is a wonderful program of Solar City.

 Solar City is located 80,000 meters northwest of Tokyo, among the strawberry fields. This is one of Japan’s sunniest places. Solar City covers about 410,000 square metres. Seventy-five percent of the homes there are covered by solar panels. The government has provided people there with the solar panels for free. In addition, the government has paid 9.7 billion yen to study how to make full use of solar energy. A number of solar energy companies have also given money to help this program.

 People living in Solar City think using solar panels is a good way to save money. However, saving money is not the only reason why people are moving into this city. "We moved here because of the panels. It was something we wanted,” said Mika Hiroshima. She moved to Solar City with her husband and two little children about four years ago.

 It is well known that Japan is a country that is short of energy, but the Solar City program has brought hope for the country. "People want solar energy,” said an official of Solar City. Actually in Solar City, there are 550 families making use of solar energy at the moment. All of them say that they want to keep using solar energy even after the program ends in 2010. In sunny days, solar panels are able to provide more than enough energy for a normal family. However, the solar panels are not that useful in cloudy days. Despite this, Solar City is still a wonderful program because it inspires people to wisely use the limited energy.

 1.The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to ______.

 A.test the readers’ knowledge about solar energy

 B.draw the readers’ attention to the topic

 C.learn the situation that solar energy is used

 D.invite the readers to answer them

 2.The third paragraph of the passage is mainly about ______.

 A.the reason why people are moving into Solar City

 B.how the people are living in Solar City

 C.the things that people living in Solar City need

 D.the life experience from the people living in Solar City

 3.It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

 A.Japan is a country which is lacking in energy

 B.the solar panels are only useful in sunny days

 C.the Solar City program will be successful

 D.Solar City is a very modern big city









 解题指导推理判断题。根据文章的最后一段中的“All of them say that they want to keep using solar energy even after the program ends in 2010.”可知。此项目的目的达到了。因此,C项正确。D项,可根据文中的“Solar City covers about 410,000 square metres.”知,Solar City并不是一个大城市。A、B两项是文中的事实,而非推理。推理判断题分为简单推理和复杂推理。所谓简单推理就是以表面文字为前提,以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断。这种推理方式比较直接,只要弄清事实,即可结合常识推断出合理的结论。而复杂推理就是不但要以文字为依据,而且还要以文章的语境、内涵为前提。这是一种间接而复杂的逻辑推理方式。考生要推断出文章没有表明但又合乎逻辑的推理,就必须由表及里地归纳或演绎。




2009年3月高考英语听力材料:第一节1. W: Thanks for lunch. It was delicious. Next time it’s on me.M: Don’t be silly.W: I’m serious.M: All right. Next time you treat.2. M: What’s the chemistry homework Mr. Brown gave us today?W: Just a minute. I’ll look it up in my notebook.3. M: Did you listen to the weather report this morning, Helen?W: Yes, it says we are going to have a wet weekend. We may get some very heavy rain in mountain areas.M: That means we can’t go camping, but will have to stay in.4. M: Hi, Maggie. I want all these books here.W: That might be a lot for your dad to buy at one time.M: My dad gets me all the books I want.W: Well, that’s very nice of him.5. M: Will you excuse me for a moment? I left my key in the car.W: Certainly.第二节6-7小题M: Bob Gordon speaking.W: Hello, Bob. It’s Ann here. How’s everything?M: Fine. How about you?W: Oh, not so bad. Listen, I want to talk to you, Bob, about next Thursday. I hope you haven’t forgotten.M: No, no. I’ve got it in my diary. Just look it up. Thursday, the14th, the meeting in Birmingham, don’t know when or where, though.W: Right. That’s what Don White asked me to tell you. It’s in Birmingham at a quarter past eleven in the Rose.M: The Rose Hotel?W: Yes, the one opposite the park, Er, now you’ve got the time, right? 11:15, OK?M: Yeah, fine, 11:15. I may be a few minutes late. There is a train from here at 8:10. I’ll take that one, which train are you getting?W: I’m catching the 10:17. I get in at about 10:45.M: OK. See you Thursday then. Cheer then.W: Bye, Bob.8-10小题W: Meg, I’ve just got us tickets to Singapore.M: That is just too exciting. So when do we set off?W: The plane leaves tomorrow afternoon. So we need to set off for the airport at 11am.M: Just let me write that down. So I don’t forget. So we leave at 11 am. Do we stop off anywhere on the way or is it a direct fight?W: Well, there aren’t any direct flights. But we are very lucky. With these tickets we can stop off in Hong Kong. So we can stopand spend two days there on our way to Singapore.M: You’re great. I always wanna go there. So we stop off in Hong Kong and just one more thing. When do we get back?W: We’ll return home in 10 days’ time.M: Wow, wonderful, I just can’t wait.11-13小题M: Have you booked a table, madam?W: Yes, we’ve booked one for two. The name is Morrison.M: Oh, yes, we have the table for you near the group. This way, please.W: Group? What group? Oh, the music group, I suppose. I can’t stand the noisy places. Now where’s the menu?M: It’s on the wall, madam, on the blackboard.W: On the blackboard, indeed. I suppose you can’t afford proper menus.M: I’m sorry, madam, but that’s what we always do.W: I have such a busy afternoon in my office. If I weren’t so hungry, I would leave immediately.14-17小题W: How was the game, Bill? Did you enjoy it?M: No, it was not interesting at all.W: That’s too bad. Football games are usually exciting.M: Not last night. Some of the players didn’t know what they were doing. In fact, one of them was just terrible.W: Well, which team was the winner?M: The Tigers, they won the game 3-1.W: Were you happy about the score?M: No, I cheered for the losers.W: What about Eric and Steve? Which team did they support?M: Well, Eric was for the Tigers, but Steve was for the Lions.W: Then at least one of you liked the game.M: Yes, all of us enjoyed eating something. I had a big box of popcorn and ice cream.18-20小题Hi, there, cow boys and cow girls. For a really exciting day in the Wild West, come to Cactus City Wild West Park. Yes, bring the children along to see a real old time pioneering town. Shoot guns and ride horses down the road. We’ll open April through September, seven days a week from10 am to sundown. Only 12 dollars for adults and 6 dollars for children or buy a family ticket at 24 dollars. What’s more, every Saturday and Sunday we have a real Wild West Show. Performances start at 2 pm and last for two anda half hours. That’s value for money. There are free buses to the park throughout the day every Saturday and Sunday from CactusCity Center. Yes, so we. There is a lot of fun waiting for all the family at Cactus City Wild West Park.第一节1-5小题1. Who is paying the lunch now?A. They share the bill B. The woman C. The man2. Who are the two speakers?A. Workers B. Students C. Teachers3. What will the speakers do over the weekend?A. Go camping B. Stay at home C. Climb mountains4. Where are the speakers?A. In a bookstore B. On a bus C. At home5. What does the man ask the woman to do?A. Get his key B. Start the car C. Wait for him第二节6-7小题6. Why does the woman call the man?A. To tell him the time and place of a meeting.B. To tell him how to get to Birmingham.C. To tell him to visit Don White.7. Which train is the woman taking?A. The 10:17 B. The 10:45 C. 11:158-10小题8. When is their flight?A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening9. Why do the speakers need to stop off in Hong Kong?A. Direct flights are more expensive.B. They plan to do some shopping there.C. There are no non-stop flights to Singapore.10. How long will the speakers be away from home?A. Two days B. Ten days C. Twelve days11-13小题11. Where does this conversation take place?A. In a concert hall B. In a restaurant C. In a theatre12. How does the woman feel in the conversation?A. Unhappy B. Curious C. Excited13. What is the woman going to do next?A. Start to work immediately B. Talk to the group C. Sit down to order14-17小题14. Why was Bill unhappy about the game?A. Some players played poorly.B. The scores were too close.C. It lasted too long.15. Who cheered for the Tigers?A. Steve B. Bill C. Eric16. What was the one thing Bill said he enjoyed?A. His friends’ company.B. Supporting his team.C. Eating some food.17. What do you know about the woman?A. She knows Bill well.B. She owns a restaurant.C. She dislikes football.18-20小题18. What do you know about Cactus City Wild West Park?A. A place to see cowboys and cowgirls.B. A place for children to play in winter.C. A fun place for the whole family.19. When does the wild west show begin?A. At 10 am weekdays.B. At 2pm on weekends.C. at 2:30 pm everyday.20. When can people take free buses to the park?A. On Saturdays and Sundays.B. Throughout the week.C. In the evening.Key: CBBAC AA BCB BAc ACCA CBA


 Any mistake made in the printing of a stamp raises its value to stamp collectors. A mistake on one inexpensive postage stamp has made the stamp worth a million and a tops. The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean. In 1847 an order for stamps was sent to a London printer — Mauritius was to become the fourth country in the world to issue stamps.Before the order was filled and delivered, a ball was planned at Mauritius’ Government House, and stamps were needed to send out the invitations. A local printer was instructed to copy the design for the stamps. He accidentally inscribed the words “Post Office” instead of “Post Paid” on the several hundred stamps that he printed.Today there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds and twelve Two Penny Blues. Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it.

 1. Over a century ago, Mauritius _______.

 A. was an independent country

 B. belonged to India

 C. was one of the British colonies

 D. was a small island in the Pacific Ocean

 2. The mistake on the stamps was made _______.

 A. in Mauritius

 B. at Mauritius Government House

 C. in a post office

 D. in London

 3. Stamp collectors have paid 16 800 for _______.

 A. fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds

 B. twelve Two Penny Blues

 C. one One Penny Orange-Red

 D. one Two Penny Blue

 答案与解析 本文讲述的是本来不值钱的邮票由于印刷错误却使其价值倍增。

 1. C。事实细节题。根据第2段第1句… more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean可知答案为C。

 2. A。事实细节题。根据第2段第1句The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius可知答案选A。

 3. D。事实细节题。根据文章最后一句Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it 可知答案为D。




 Wh-特殊问句; From the text…,According to…,True/not true,划线词语、句子,简单计算、排列事件顺序、识图等。





 文章为了表达得准确严密,很注意对范围的限定。有的是通过加上相应的词语限制,如涉及到数量时常用many,almost all,nearly,more than,over,only a few,normally等限制。有些干扰项是通过改变或去掉限定词语,甚至是扩大或缩小了语言范围。







 What' s the topic/subject of the text/the second paragraph?

 What is stated in…? The text is cheifly concerned with_______。









 The story suggests that___________. It can be inferred that_____________.

 The story implies that _____________. It can be concluded that __________.

 We can learn that _______________.









 ②利用语境及逻辑关系猜词。有时完全可以利用上下文语境和前后句之间的并列、因果、转折、对比、解释定义和举例等关系来猜测词义。同时特别留心某些词语,例如:or, that is, in other words, including, although, but, or, even if, on the other hand, on the contrary, other than, rather than, more than, instead of等词语之后的内容。

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