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简介1.求虚拟语气的讲解 had sb done sth, sb would have not done2.英语语法知识讲解之虚拟语气3.if 的虚拟语气讲解4.虚拟语气的用法总结归纳_英语中的运用讲解5.英语虚拟语气6.英语中虚拟语气的具体句式和句型讲解7.高考英语之虚拟语气归纳整理的wish和as if一、 使用虚拟语气的场合:当要说的话不是事实,或是不可能发生的情况,而是一种愿望、建议或与事实

1.求虚拟语气的讲解 had sb done sth, sb would have not done


3.if 的虚拟语气讲解




7.高考英语之虚拟语气归纳整理的wish和as if


一、 使用虚拟语气的场合:当要说的话不是事实,或是不可能发生的情况,而是一种愿望、建议或与事实


 二、 一般的虚拟语气的句式:If…+主句(=主句+if从句)

 其谓语形式为: If从句主句与过去事实相反had donewould/might/could/should have done与现在事实相反didwould/might/could/should do与将来事实相反(1) did(2) should do(3) were to do would/might/could/should doNote:1、主句中的should只用于主语是第一人称时,would,might,could可用于任何人称,根据意思的需要选用

2、条件从句的动词如果是be,其过去式所有人称无论单、复数都用were 三、含蓄虚拟语气:有时虚拟条件不通过条件从句,而是通过上下文或用介词短语等表示出来,这种句子叫含蓄语气句.如:① The gifts to him would have filled a railway car.

 ② I could not have lived through Christmas without giving you a present.

(=I could not have lived through Christmas if I had not given you a present.) 四、虚拟语气的倒装:把引导虚拟语气条件从句的if省略,再把were,had或should提于句首,进行部分倒装.

如:① Had you arrived 5 minutes earlier, you could have seen him off.

(=If you had arrived 5 minutes earlier, you could have seen him off.)

② Were she not so busy, she would come to help us.

(=If she were not so busy, she would come to help us.)

③ Had it not been for Chairman Mao, we labouring people could never have stood up.

(=If it had not been for Chairman Mao, we labouring people could never have stood up.) 五、虚拟语气的其他用法:

 ⑴ suggest,propose,advise,recommend,order,insist,require,request,demand等动词后的宾语从句

 及 suggestion,proposal,advice,recommendation,order,idea等名词后的表语从句或同位语


 ⑵ It is necessary/strange/natural/better/important后的从句用"(should)+动原"的虚拟语气.

 ⑶ It is time及would rather后的从句用过去时态形式的虚拟语气.

 ⑷ wish后的宾从、as if/as though后的从句使用时态降级形式的虚拟语气.

 ⑸ even if/even though从句的虚拟方法同于 if从句. 虚拟语气经典句型 关键词: 虚拟语气 0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=510){this.width=510;this.height=image.height*510/image.width;}}">句型1:表示对现在的假设If+were/did/(动词过去式),主语+would/might/should/could+doIf I were you, I would not be so proud.如果我是你,我不会如此自负。I don't have a cellphone. If I had one, it would be convenient for me to get in touch with others.我没有手机,如果有的话,和别人联系就方便多了。If I were in your position, I would think better of it.如果我处在你现在的境地,我会重新考虑的。0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=510){this.width=510;this.height=image.height*510/image.width;}}">句型2:表示对过去或已经发生事情的虚拟假设If+had done,主语+would/might/should/could+have doneWhat a pity it is that you didn't attend the concert yesterday! If you had attended it, you would have seen the famous singer.真遗憾你昨天没有去听音乐会。如果你去了,你就会见到那位名歌手。Anyone in his position would have done the same.=If anyone had been in his position, he would have done the same.无论谁处在他当时的境地都会像他那样做的。0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=510){this.width=510;this.height=image.height*510/image.width;}}">句型3:表示对将来的假设If+were/did/(动词过去式)/should/were to do,主语+would/might/should/could+doIf we were to panic, we would not be able to give proper first aid.如果我们惊慌的话,我们就不能进行急救了。If it were to rain(=Should it rain=Rained) tomorrow, we would not go for a picnic.如果明天下雨的话,我们就不去野炊了。If you shouldn't pass the college entrance examination, what would you do?万一你高考不中,你该怎么办?0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=510){this.width=510;this.height=image.height*510/image.width;}}">句型4:if onlyif only引起的感叹句,相当于“How I wish+宾语从句”,意为“但愿......,要是......就好了”。If only he could come!要是他能来就好了。If only we students didn't have so much homework!要是没有那么多作业该多好!If only I hadn't been so careless in the exam!我当时没有那么粗心就好了!0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=510){this.width=510;this.height=image.height*510/image.width;}}">句型5:要不是......;如果不是......If it were not for ... (=Were it not for ...)If it hadn't been for ... (=Had it not been for ...)If it hadn't been for the determined captain, all the passengers on board wouldn't have been saved.要不是有意志坚定的船长,船上的乘客就不会得救。If it were not for your rich parents, you couldn't live so easy a life.要不是因为你有钱的父母,你的生活不会如此安逸。0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=510){this.width=510;this.height=image.height*510/image.width;}}">句型6:but for, but thatbut for+名词和but that+从句,意为“倘若不是,要不是”,接虚拟语气。But for the Communist Party of China, the People's Republic of Chia couldn't have been founded.=If it hadn't been for the Communist Party of China, the People's Republic of China couldn't have been founded.没有***,就没有新中国。But for the air and water, nothing could survive.=If there were not air and water, nothing could survive.没有空气和水,什么都不能存活。She could not have believed it, but that she saw it.若非亲眼所见,她是不会相信的。0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=510){this.width=510;this.height=image.height*510/image.width;}}">句型7在suggest, proplse, insist, demand, require, request, order等表示建议、要求、命令的(动词后接的)名词性从句中需用虚拟语气,基本句型:主语+(should)+动词原形。Mother insisted that John (should) go to bed at 9 o'clock.(宾语从句)Many hospitals recommended that we use the letter DR ABC to remember what to do when giving first aid.(宾语从句)It was required that children (should) be sent to school when they reach the age for school.(主语从句)The suggestion that he (should) be invited was rejected.(同位语从句)That is their demand that their wages (should) be increased.(表语从句)0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=510){this.width=510;this.height=image.height*510/image.width;}}">句型8it's necessary/important that sb. should do..., should可以省略With the society developing very fast, it's quite necessary/important that we (should) have a good knowledge of English and computer.随着社会的快速发展,我们有必要精通英语和电脑。It's necessary that John take the exam first.约翰有必要先参加考试。0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=510){this.width=510;this.height=image.height*510/image.width;}}">句型9it's strange/a pity/surprising that sb. should do..., should表示“竟然”It's a pity that she should miss the chance to go abroad.很遗憾她错过了这次出国的机会。It's really surprising that a prophecy (预言) should coincide with the fact so exactly.令人惊讶的是,预言和事实竟然如此巧合。It's strange that he shouldn't pass the exam.奇怪的是他竟然没有通过考试。0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=510){this.width=510;this.height=image.height*510/image.width;}}">句型10:wish+宾语从句,表示不大可能实现的愿望表示现在的愿望:主语+动词过去式;表示过去的愿望:主语+had+过去分词;表示将来的愿望:主语+would(could)+动词原形。How I wish we students had more free time to relax ourselves!I failed in the maths exam. How I wish I hadn't wasted so much time playing.What a pity you can't go to the party. How I wish I could dance with you at the party.0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=510){this.width=510;this.height=image.height*510/image.width;}}">句型11:It's (high/about) time that sb. did/should do ...早就该.....It's time that we took action and did our bits for the AIDS patients.=It's time that we should take action and do our bits for the AIDS patients.我们早就该行动起来,为爱滋病人尽我们的一份力。It's high time that we did something to improve our environment.我们早该为环保做些事情了。0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=510){this.width=510;this.height=image.height*510/image.width;}}">句型12:表示愿望would rather that sb. did ...“宁愿...;更愿意...”,表示现在或将来的愿望;would rather that sb. had done ...“宁愿...;更愿意...”,表示过去的愿望。I'd rather you posted the letter right away.我想让你现在去寄信。I'd rather you were not a celebrated actor. In that case, we could spend more time together.我倒情愿你不是什么名演员,这样我们可以有更多的时间在一起。I'd rather that I hadn't seen her.我情愿没有见到她。0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=510){this.width=510;this.height=image.height*510/image.width;}}">句型13:as ifas if(though)+主语+did/had done...表示过去的情况用过去完成时,表示现在与将来的情况用过去时。Our head teacher treats us as if we were her own children, so all the students in our class think highly of her.班主任老师对待我们就像对待自己的孩子,因此班里所有的学生都对她有很高的评价。Alan talked about Rome as if he had been there.Alan谈起罗马来就好像他去过似的。All too often, people treat AIDS patients as if they were bad or dangerous.通常情况下,人们对待爱滋病人就好像他们是坏人或高危人群。

求虚拟语气的讲解 had sb done sth, sb would have not done


条件句可分为两类,一类为真实条件句,一类为非真实条件句。非真实条件句表示的是假设或实际可能性不大的情况,故采用虚拟语气。 eg: If he doesn't hurry up,he will miss the bus.如果他不快点,他将错过巴士。( 真实) If he is free,he will ask me to tell stories.如果他是空闲的,他会要求我讲故事。(真实) If I were you,I would go at once.如果我是你,我马上就会去。(我不可能是你。非真实,虚拟语气) If there were no air,people would die.如果没有空气,人就会死亡。(不可能没有空气。非真实,虚拟语气)


1、表示与现在事实相反的情况: 从句:主语+过去时 主句:主语+should/would/could/might+do eg:  1.If I were you,I would take an umbrella. 如果我是你,我会带把伞。(事实:我不可能是你) 2.If I knew his telephone number,I would tell you. 如果我知道他的电话号码,我就会告诉你。(事实:不知道) 3.If there were no air or water,there would be no living things on the earth. 如果没有水和空气,地球上就不会有生物。(事实:地球上既有空气也有水) 4.If I had any money with me,I could lend you some. 如果我带钱了,我就会借给你些。(事实:没带钱) 5.If he studied harder,he might pass the exam. 如果他再努力些,就能通过考试了。(事实:没有努力) 6.she looked at me as if I had been a stranger. 她看我的样子好像我是一个陌生人。(事实:我并非陌生人)  2、表示与过去事实相反的情况 从句:主语+had+done 主句:主语+should/would/could/might+have done  eg: 1. If I had got there earlier,I should/could have met her. 如果我早到那儿,我就会见到她。 (事实:去晚了) 2.If he had taken my advice,he would not have made such a mistake. 如果他听我的劝告的话,就不会犯这样的错误了。 (事实:没有听我的话) 3、表示对将来情况的主观推测 从句:①if+主语+were to do 主句:①主语+should/would/could/might+do ②if+主语+did/were ②主语+should/would/could/might+do  ③if+主语+should+do ③主语+should/would/could/might+do  eg: 1.If he should come here tomorrow,I would talk to him. 如果他明天来这儿的话,我就跟他谈谈。(事实:来的可能性很小) 2.If there were a heavy snow next Sunday,we would not go skating. 如果下周日下大雪,我们就不能去滑冰了。(事实:不知能否下雪) 3.If she were to be here next Monday,I would tell her about the matter. 如果她下周一来这儿的话,我就会告诉她这件事的始末。 4、 有时,虚拟条件句中,结果主句和条件从句的谓语动作若不是同时发生时,虚拟语气的形式应作相应的调整。这种条件句叫错综条件句。 ①从句的动作与过去事实相反,而主句的动作与现在或现在正在发生的事实不符。 eg: If I had worked hard at school,I would be an engineer,too. 如果我在学校学习刻苦的话,我现在也会成为一个工程师了 If they had informed us,we would not come here now. 如果他们通知过我们的话,我们现在就不会来这里了。 ②从句的动作与现在事实相反,而主句的动作与过去事实不符。 如: If he were free today,we would have sent him to Beijing. 如果他今天有空的话,我们会已经派他去北京了。 If he knew her,he would have greeted her. 要是他认识她的话,他肯定会去问候她了。 5、 当虚拟条件句的谓语动词含有were,should,had时,if可以省略,这时条件从句要用倒装语序,即把were,should,had等词置于句首,这种多用于书面语。eg: Should he agree to go there,we would send him there. 要是他答应去的话,我们就派他去。 Were she here,she would agree with us. 如果她在这儿的话,她会同意我们的。 Had he learnt about computers,we would have hired him to work here. 如果他懂一些电脑知识的话,我们已经聘用他来这里工作了。 6、非真实条件句中的条件从句有时不表达出来,只暗含在副词、介词短语、上下文或其他方式表示出来,这种句子叫做含蓄条件句,在多数情况下,条件会暗含在短语中,如without…,but for…等 eg: But for his help,we would be working now. 要不是他的帮助,我们还会在工作呢。 Without your instruction,I would not have made such great progress. 要是没有你的指导,我不会取得如此大的进步。 We didn't know his telephone number,otherwise we would have telephoned him. 我们不知道他的电话号码,否则我们就会给他打电话。 7、 有时,虚拟条件句中,主、从句可以省略其中的一个,来表示说话人的一种强烈的感情。 ①省略从句 He would have finished it. 他本该完成了。 You could have passed this exam. 你本能通过这次考试的。 ②省略主句 If I were at home now. 要是我现在在家里该多好啊。 If only I had got it. 要是只有我得到它了该多好啊。 8.注意,在虚拟语气的从句中,动词be的过去时态一律用were,不用was。 eg:If I were you,I would go to look for him. 如果我是你,就会去找他。

wish 后宾语从句

a、表示与现在事实相反的愿望,谓语动词用过去式 eg. I wish I hadyour brains. 我希望我有你那样的头脑。(事实:我根本比不上你) b、表示与过去事实相反的愿望,谓语动词:had+done eg:.I wish I had known the truth of the matter. 我希望我那时就知道这件事情的真相。(事实:那时还不知道) c、表示将来难以实现的愿望 谓语动词:should/would(情态动词) + 动词原形 eg. I wish I should have a chance again. 我希望我还能有一次这样的机会。(事实:很难再有这样的机会了) (注:if only引导的感叹句和as if/as though引导的状语从句也有相同用法)


1、在for fear that,in case,lest引导的从句中,若用虚拟语气时,从句谓语为:should + do。并且 should能省略 She examined the door again for fear that a thief (should) come in. 她又把门检查了一遍,以防盗贼的进入。 He started out earlier lest he (should) be late. 他早早的就出发了以防迟到。 2、在so that,in order that所引导的目的状语从句中,从句中的谓语为:can / could / may / might / will / would / should + do。 He goes closer to the speaker so that he can hear him clearer. 他走近说话的人以便能听得更清楚。 He read the letter carefully in order that he should not miss a word. 他把信读得很仔细以便不漏掉一个字。


1、一想要(desire一宁愿(prefer)二命令(order. command)三建议(advise. suggest. propose/recommend)四要求(demand. require. request. ask.insist)中,无论主句谓语动词为何种时态,从句的谓语动词都用:"should + do"。should可以省略。eg: He suggestedthat we (should) takethe teacher's advice. He insisted that we (should) takethe teacher's advice. He demand that we (should) takethe teacher's advice. He orderedthat we (should) takethe teacher's advice. insist意为“坚持某种动作”才用虚拟语气;意为“坚持某种观点,某个事实”则不用虚拟语气。 eg: He insists he is a student. 他坚持说他是个学生。 这个语句表示的是事实,因此在这个语句中不能使用虚拟语气。 suggest意为“建议”才用虚拟语气,意为“暗示”则不用虚拟语气。 eg: His face suggests that he looks worried . 他的表情暗含着他很担心。 这个句子本身是事实,因此它就没有用到虚拟语气。 2、表情绪.观点的形容词或名词也要用虚拟语气.如:necessary、important、impossible、natural、strange、surprising、funny、right、wrong、better、a pity等。  句型:It is.......that +主语从句,从句的谓语动词都要用should+原型 或只用动词原型。 eg: Do you think it necessary that he (should)not be sent to Lingbao. It is srange that such a person should be our friend. 奇怪的是这样一个人会成为我们的朋友。 注:这一点还没有准确的说法,希望善心人能把这点补充完全。 3、 在even if,even though 所引导的让步状语从句中用may/might+动词原形,may/might可以省略,表示与现在相反的情况;从句用过去完成时,表示与过去相反的情况,类似的词有though/even though/whatever/however/so long as; 主句、从句的结构与if所引导的条件从句结构相同。 eg: Even if he were here himself,he should not know what to do. 即使他亲自来也不知该怎么办。(事实:他没来) Nobody could save him even though Hua Tuo should come here. 即使华佗在世也救不了他。(事实:华佗不在世) 4、 在whatever,whichever,whenever,whoever,wherever,however,no matter wh-等引导的让步状语从句中,从句虚拟语气结构为: 指现在或将来:may +do。 eg: We will finish it on time no matter what may happen. 不管发生什么事,我们都要按时完成。 We will find him wherever he may be. 无论他在哪里,我们都要找到他。 I will wait for him no matter how late he may come. 不管他来的多么晚,我都会等他。 指过去:may +have done 。 eg: You mustn't be proud whatevergreat progress you may have made. 不管你取得了多么大的进步,你也不能骄傲。 We must respect him no matter what mistakes he may have made. 不管他犯过什么错误,我们必须尊敬他。 5、一般would rather,had rather,would sooner等之后的宾语从句常表示与客观事实不相符的一种愿望,故使用虚拟语气。其虚拟语气的结构为: 过去 had + done  现在 过去时(be 用were ) 将来 过去时(be 用were ) eg: I'd rather you had seen the film yesterday. 我倒想你昨天看过了这场**。 I'd rather you were here now. 我倒想你现在在这儿。 We'd rather you went here tomorrow. 我们倒想你明天去那儿 注:注意would rather,had rather,would sooner的细微差别,可以百度一下查查。 6、虚拟语气还可用在定语从句中,表示:“早该做某事了”时,定语从句中的谓语动词须用虚拟语气,其虚拟语气的结构为:It is (high / about) time that + 主语+ 动词的过去式/ should + do,即从句用虚拟过去式。 It is time that I went to pick up my daughter at school. 我该去学校接我的女儿了。 It is high time you should go to work. 你早该上班了。 7、 简单句中的虚拟语气 (1) 说话时,为了表示客气、谦虚、委婉而有礼貌,言语常使用虚拟语气。其虚拟语气的结构形式常为:would / could / might / should +do。 eg: Would you mind my shutting the door? 你介意我把门关起来吗? You should always learn this lesson by heart. 你要把这个教训牢记于心。 I should agree with you. 我本该同意你的观点。(委婉的不同意) (2)表示“祝愿”时,常用may + 主语+ do。 eg: May you have a good journey! 祝你一路顺风。 May your youth last for ever! 祝你青春永驻。 (3)表示强烈的“愿望”、“祝愿”时,常用do。 eg: Long live the Communist Party of China. 中国***万岁。 God bless us. 上帝保佑。 (4)习惯表达中常用的虚拟语气。 ① 提出请求或邀请。eg: Would you like to have a talk with us this evening? 今天晚上来跟我们聊天好吗? Could I use your bike now? 我可以用一下你的单车吗? ② 陈述自己的观点或看法。eg: I should glad to meet you. 见到你我会很高兴。 I would try my best to help you. 我会尽力帮助你。 ③提出劝告或建议。eg: You'd better ask your father first. 你最好先问一问你的父亲。 You should make a full investigation of it first. 你应该先全面调查一番。 ④ 提出问题。eg: Do you think he could get here on time 你认为他能按时来吗? Do you expect he would tell us the truth? 你期望他会告诉我们真相吗? ⑤表示对过去情况的责备时,常用虚拟语气。其虚拟语气的结构为:情态动词 + have done。 eg: You should have got here earlier. 你早该到这里了。 You should have returned it to him. 你早该把它还给他了。


有时可将条件从句的连词if省略,但此时应用倒装句型,即把从句中的were,should,had 等提到句首: Were I Tom,I would refuse. 如果我是汤姆,我会拒绝。 Should it be necessary,I would go. 假若有必要,我会去的。 Had it not been for the bad weather we would have arrived on time. 若不是天气坏,我们就准时到达了。 注 ① 若条件从句为否定句,否定词not应置于主语之后,而不能与were,should,had 等缩略成Weren’t,Shouldn’t,Hadn’t而置于句首。 ② 有时省略if后提前的had不是助动词: Had I time,I would come. 假若我有时间,我会来的。(=If I had time…)


若主从句主语一致,且谓语部分包含有动词be,通常可将主语和动词be省略: If repaired earlier,the tractor would not have broken down. 要是早点儿修一下,拖拉机就不会抛锚了。(=If it had been repaired earlier…)


If necessary,I would send more farmhands to help you. 如果需要的话,我会派更多的人去帮你。(=If it was necessary,…)

 (1) 条件暗含在短语中。如: We didn’t know his telephone number; otherwise we would have telephoned him. 我们不知道他的电话号码,否则我们就会给他打电话。(暗含条件是otherwise) Without your help,we wouldn’t have achieved so much. 没有你的帮助,我们不可能取得这么大的成绩。 (暗含条件是介词短语without your help) But for your help,I would not have succeeded in the experiment. 如果没有你的帮助,我的实验就不会成功。(暗含条件是but for your help) It would cause great trouble not to lubricate the bearing immediately. 不立即润滑轴承就会引起很大的故障。 (暗含条件是not to lubricate the bearing immediately) (2) 条件暗含在上下文中。如: I would not have done it that way. 我是不会那么做的。(可能暗含if I were you) I was busy that day. Otherwise I would have come to help you. 我那天很忙。否则我会来帮你的。(可能暗含if I hadn’t been so busy.) You might come to join us in the discussion. 你可以参加我们的讨论。(可能暗含if you wanted to) I would have bought the DVD player. 我是会买下那台影碟机的。(可能暗含if I had the money) But for the storm,we should have arrived earlier. 要不是碰到暴雨,我们还会早些到。(可能暗含if it had not been for the storm)。


综述:这个是条件状语从句中的虚拟语气,对过去的虚拟,had提前,省掉if,原句是:If sb had done sth,sb would have not done.意思是如果某人做了…,某人就不会…。







I Not Stupid小孩不笨;憨仔鬼精灵;小孩?笨




2、在美国口语中常用ain't代替am not/are not/is not/has not/have not。


if 的虚拟语气讲解


l. 时间选择型



If l were you, l would study much harder.(与现在情况相反)

If he did(were to do,should do)it,he would do it well.(与将来情况相反)

I wouldn't have finished the work without your help. (与过去情况相反)

(2)由 even if (though) 引导的让步状语从句,其谓语动词变化同于虚拟条件句,在口语中也可用直陈语气。

Even if he were here, he wouldn't be able to help you. (与现在情况相反)

Nothing could have saved your father,even if the doctor had arrived on time.(与过去情况相反)

(3) wish后的宾语从句

I wish I were five years younger than you.(与现在情况相反)

He wishes you would go with him.(与将来情况相反)

I wished I had won the match.(与过去情况相反)


(4) as if (though)引导的表语从句和方式状语从句

He looks as if he were very sleepy.(与现在情况相反)

They are talking about something, as if they were quarrelling with each other.


这种类型的虚拟语气一般用于主语从句、宾语从句、表语和同位语从句。谓语由should+动词原形构成,无论什么人称都不能用 would, should在口语中可以略去。

(1)在主语从句中用以表示惊奇、惋惜、理应如此,构成 It is natural (important, necessary, strange, a pity, a shame等)that… 句型。

It is natural that you should say apology to him.

It is a pity that you should be careless.


The young man insisted that he should be sent to do the work.

I suggested that we should set off earlier.



1、对现在情况的假设:表示说话时不存在或与事实相反的情况。形式:If+主语+did,主语+should/ would /could +do.例句:If you knew english well,you would be able to talk with foreigners freely.

2、对过去情况的假设:表示与过去事实相反的情况。形式:if+主语+had done,主语+should/would /could+have done.例句:if i had not studied hard ,i might have failed in the exam.(事实是我通过考试了)

3、对将来情况的假设:表示将来实现可能性不大的情况。形式:if+主语+did/were to do /should do,主语+should /would /could do.例句:if he should change his mind ,what would we do?

if的省略:在正式文体中,有时可把虚拟条件句中的连词if省去,这时从句需要采用倒装语序,即:将were,had,should等助动词提到主语前面,主句不做任何变化。例句:should it rain tomorrow,we would staly at home.

错综时间:所谓错综时间是指主句和从句的动作不是发生在同一时间。这时,需要根据意思选用表示不同时间的虚拟语气形式。例句:if i were you ,i would have taken his advice.(从句表示现在时间,主句表示过去时间),我要是你,就听他的忠告了。


当一个人说话时欲强调其所说的话是基于自己的主观想法,愿望,假想,猜测,怀疑或建议,而不是根据客观实际,就用虚拟语气。下面,就让我把整理到的关于虚拟语气的用法的资料列出来, 以供大家参考。




If it did, it would open up its diversity program, now focused narrowly on race and gender, and look for reporters who differ broadly by outlook, values, education, and class.2001年 TEXT1

这是一个含有条件状语从句的复合句。If it did是条件状语从句。主句中主语是it;谓语动词有两个,分别是would open up...和look for...。

这是一个与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,从句用一般过去时,主句用would+动词原形open up和look for。




第一, 虚拟语气在主语从句中的运用

当it作形式主语,后面用形容词作表语,即在it is + adj.这样的句型中,当描述主语的表语形容词是advisable,critical,crucial,desirable,essential,imperative,important,incredible,inevitable,necessary,remend,strange,urgent等形容词时,主语从句的谓语动词多用虚拟语气,如果是现在时,谓语动词用should/would +动词原形should/would经常省略;如果是过去时,则用should/would + have done的形式。

It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer. Just as inevitably,the retreat from predominance proved painful.

这是一个含有主语从句的复合句。句首的It是形式主语,真正主语是that从句,该主语从句使用了虚拟语气should+完成时。2000年 TEXT1参考译文:随着其他国家日益富裕,美国的这一优势地位逐渐下降是不可避免的。惟其不可避免,从优势地位上退出愈发痛苦不堪。



Such behaviour is regarded as “all too human”,with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance. 2005年 TEXT1





Another decision is whether the school should be one of the vast majority financed by the State or one of the very *** all but influential minority of private schools,though this choice is,of course,only available to the *** all number of those who can pay. 英语专业四级考试01年Text D

这是个含有表语从句的复合句。主语是another decision;谓语是is;whether……or……是表语从句,其中谓语动词由should+动词原形be构成。参考译文:另一个要做出的决定是:应该选择一所占绝大多数的国立学校呢,还是选择一所数量虽小却有影响力的私立学校呢,当然,只有少数有支付能力的人才有这种选择的权利。



Theories concerning on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior because they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through interactions with others.2004 CLOSE

此句是个含有一个宾语从句、两个原因状语从句的复合句。suggest是主句谓语,Suggest后面的宾语从句中的谓语动词engage in前面省略了should.








虚拟语气讲解一.非真实条件句的虚拟情况: 句型条件从句 主句对现在的虚拟were/didshould/would/could/might+v.对过去的虚拟had doneshould/would/could/might+have+done 对将来的虚拟1.were/did2.were to3.should+v. Should/would/could/might+v.1.与现在事实相反的条件e.g. If I were you, I would go at once. If I had HIV, I would know because I would feel sick.2.与过去事实相反e.g. If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him. If she had told him about the danger, he would not have hurt.3.与将来事实相反e.g. If it were sunny tomorrow, I would come to see you. If he should fail in the experiment this time, he would try again. If we were to panic(受惊,惊慌), we should not be able to help.4.混合时间条件句:主从句不一定用指同一时间的动词。即:假设条件从句谓语动词发生的时间与主句所假设的谓语动词不一致,叫做混合虚拟语气(错综条件虚拟语气)。主句和从句的谓语动词要依照假设的时间而定。e.g. If you ____that late movie last night, you wouldn’t be so sleepy.A.haven’t watched B.didn’t watchC. hadn’t watched D.wouldn’t watchedIf Paul had received six more votes in the last election, he would be our chairman now.If the weather had been finer, the crops would be growing still better.If you had followed the teacher’s advice, you wouldn’t be in the hospital. e.g If I had gone to a key university, I would earn more money now.5.含蓄条件句:有时假设的条件不通过条件从句表示而含蓄在介词短语或上下文中。 (1) without 和but for (要不是) 构成虚拟。 e.g Without ( but for ) the party, we wouldn’t be so happy. We might have died without your help. = We might have died if you hadn’t helped us. (2) otherwise , or ( 否则, 要不然) =if…not… e.g. He studies very hard, or/otherwise he couldn’t study so well. I was busy last week, otherwise I would have come to see you. =If I had not been so busy last week, I would have come to see you. ( 3 ) if only后加句子… “要是……就好了” 注意:“if only”e.g. If only I could learn English in one day. If only it wasn’t raining. If only Jim had passed the exam. If only Sam would reply to my letter. 6.假设虚拟条件倒装。 条件从句中有 shouid,were,had 三个助动词,可以把 if 省略,并将这三个词提到句首 If I were you, I would give it up. Were I you, I would give it up.If it were not for your advice, we couldn’t have got over the difficulties. Were not for your advice, we couldn’t have got over the difficulties二.虚拟语气用于宾语从句中。现在:过去时(were/did)</b></B>过去:过去完成时(dad done)</b></B>未来:would/could/might+V. should(不常用)</b></B> 1. wish引起的表示愿望的虚拟语气wish +(that)+主语 + e.g. I wish I could buy a spaceship some day. I wish that he wasn’t so lazy. The exhibition was so bored that I wish I had not gone to it.2. would rather(that)+从句,表示“愿望”的虚拟would rather (that) + 主语 + e.g. I would rather you had gone there.(与过去相反) 你要是去那里就好了。 I would rather you stayed at home now.(与现在) I would rather you could go to America tomorrow.3.用于表示意愿,建议,命令,请求,提议等动词后的that宾语从句中,用(should)+动词原形,这类动词有:ask, advise, arrange(安排), beg, command, decide, demand, desire, determine, insist (坚持要求,硬要), intend, propose, object(反对), order, require, request, suggest(建议)… 一个坚持,两个命令,三个建议,四个要求。即1.insist 2. order, command 3. advise, suggest, propose 4. demand , require, request, desiree.g. She advised that we should keep the door locked. He suggests that she should leave the dangerous house at once. His face suggested that he was angry.(暗示) He insisted that he was innocent.(坚称,坚持说) He insisted that she (should) show him her passport.三. 用于主语从句中。 (1)It’s necessary /strange/ natural/ important + that---Clause 从句中的动词要用虚拟,即(should)+动词原形Eg.It is important that we ( should ) master a foreign language.It is strange that she refuse to come to the party.It’s necessary that we should study hard. (2)It’s+ a pity / a shame +that—clause从句中的动词要用虚拟,即(should)+动词原形 e.g It’s a pity that I should miss the film. (3) It’s + p.p + that—clause从句中的动词要用虚拟,即(should)+动词原形, 其中的p.p 为建议,要求,命令的动词。如:insisted ,ordered , requested ,required ,demanded etc. e.g It was ordered that the old sick man (should) be sent to the hospital at once.四.用于表语从句。主语为表示建议。要求,命令等的名词 如: insistence, order ,advice ,suggestion ,proposal ,reqirement 等e.g My suggestion is that English test( should) be read aloud by students every morning.五.用于同位语从句 e.g His suggestion that students should wear school uniform has been agreed. 六.用在as if(as though)引导的方式状语(表语)从句中,动词形式和wish宾语从句的形式相同。 as if /though +主语 +e.g. You are talking as if you had seen them. He speaks English as if he were an Englishman. She looks as if she would cry.主语+should+V.(should不能省略)主语+过去时七.用在定语从句中It is (about/high) time that e.g. It is time that you should have a class.=It is time that you had a class. 可该上课了(早该上课了,你怎么还不去?) It is time for you to have a class.该上课了.(上课的时间到了.) It is time that you should leave. =It is time you left.

高考英语之虚拟语气归纳整理的wish和as if








1) 虚拟语气概念


2) 在条件句中的应用




eg .

If he doesn’t hurry up, he will miss the bus. ( 真实条件状语)(不是虚拟语气)

If he was free, he would ask me to tell stories. (真实条件状语)(不是虚拟语气)

If I were you, I would go at once. (非真实条件状语从句)

If there were no air, people would die. (非真实条件状语从句)

总结就是 四个字:主将从现,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时。


① 表示与现在事实相反的情况

(条件)从句谓语动词形式 主句谓语动词形式


(be用were) should/would/could/might+动词原形(过去将来时)


If I were you, I would take an umbrella.如果我是你,我会带把伞。(事实:我不可能是你)

If I knew his telephone number, I would tell you. 如果我知道他的电话号码,我就会告诉你。(事实:不知道)

If there were no air or water, there would be no living things on the earth. 如果没有水和空气,地球上就不会有生物。(事实:地球上既有空气也有水)

If I had any money with me, I could lend you some. 如果我带钱了,我就会借给你些。(事实:没带钱)

If he studied harder, he might pass the exam.如果他在努力些,就能通过考试了。(事实:学习不用功)


从句谓语动词形式 主句谓语动词形式

Had+过去分词(过去完成时) Should/would/could/might+


eg. If I had got there earlier, I should/could have met her. 如果我早到那儿,我就会见到她。(事实:去晚了)

If he had taken my advice, he would not have made such a mistake. 如果他听我的劝告的话,就不会犯这样的错误了。(事实:没有听我的话)


从句 主语 例句

If+主语+ ① should+动词

② did

③were to do

(①通常与一个表示时间状语连用)其 中were to do可能性最小,



If it rained tomorrow our picnic would be put off.



eg.If he would come here tomorrow, I should/would talk to him. 如果他哪天来这儿的话,我就跟他谈谈。(事实:来的可能性很小)

If there were a heavy snow next Sunday, we would not go skating. 如果下周日下大雪,我们就不能去滑冰了。(事实:不知能否下雪)

If she were to be there next Monday, I would tell her about the matter. 如果她下周一来这儿的话,我就会告诉她这件事得始末。


①、虚拟语气用在wish 后的宾语从句


eg. I wish I had your brains.我希望我有你那样的头脑。(事实:我根本比不上你)


eg:.I wish I had known the truth of the matter.我希望我原来知道这件事的真相。(事实:原来不知道)


谓语动词:should/would + 动词原形

eg. I wish I should have a chance again.我希望我还能有一次这样的机会。(事实:很难再有这样的机会了)


在这种用法中,无论主句谓语动词为何种时态,从句的谓语动词都用:“should + 动词原形”或只用“动词原形”。

如 He suggested that we (should) take the teacher’s advice

He insisted that we (should) take the teacher’s advice

He demand that we (should) take the teacher’s advice

He ordered that we (should) take the teacher’s advice



构成:主语 + wish (that) + 从句主语 + 动词过去式 (be 一律用were)

例如:I wish I knew everything in the world.我希望我知道世界上所有的事。

I wish that the experiment were a success.我希望这个实验是成功的。

We wish we had wings.我们希望有翅膀。


构成:主语 + wish (that) + 从句主语 + would/could + have + 过去分词或had + 过去分词

例如:I wish that you hadcome yesterday.我希望你昨天来过。

I wish that I could have gone with you last night.我希望我昨晚能和你一起去。

I didn’t go to the party, but I do wish I had been there.我没有去参加晚会,但是我真的希望我去过那里。


构成:主语 + wish (that) + 从句主语 + would/should/could/might + 原形动词

例如:I wish that he could try again.我希望他能再次尝试。

I wish that someday I should live on the moon.

We wish that they would come soon.

II. ASif 引出的虚拟。

As if….表好像……我们经常会利用一下句型来表达不能实现的虚拟状态:It is as if……。 (就好象是……)

As if + 从句, 主句。 (好像…… Sb.+ do…)表达一种假设的条件。而 As if 之后的假设内容的语法结构和wish虚拟的结构一样。

L. 33 A Day to Remember 中原句, “As if this were not enough to reduce you to tears, your husband arrives.” 就利用了和现在事实相反的假设虚拟。北京新东方名师指出,要善于总结出一些学习语法的技巧,如利用对比,举例等方法进行学习。

注:Something is to happened,I'm to face it。

文章标签: # 从句 # would # should