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tamoadmin 2024-08-08 人已围观

简介1.2022高三一模二模考试意味着什么 重要吗2.2023广州一模分数线3.广东省高考英语听说模拟考试试题E4.三模 一模 二模 高考 哪个难?2022高三一模二模考试意味着什么 重要吗 一模二模是对你目前这个阶段学习成果的检验,从中找到自己哪些知识点的不足,抓紧查漏补缺,为了以后的三模,尤其是最后的中高考起到至关重要的作用,如果考的好,那就说明自己学的还不错,但切记不要骄傲;如果考的不好,就说

1.2022高三一模二模考试意味着什么 重要吗



4.三模 一模 二模 高考 哪个难?

2022高三一模二模考试意味着什么 重要吗












2023广州一模分数线是:理科分数线: c9: 语文123分,数学130分,英语132分,物理92分,化学90分,生物89分,总分656分。










 Part A Reading Aloud

 150 years ago, Charles Darwin published ?On the Origin of Species?. And in that one great book, he asked the right question, and ge the right answer. Darwin?s explanation for life on earth was so seductive and so simple that it seems obvious today. And yet, Darwin?s explanation of how evolution works was riddled with holes. Its logical foundations were shaky. His evidence was weak. There was so much he did not, could not, know. Darwin trusted that future generations of scientists would complete his work, and prove the essential truth of his vision, and for 150 years that is what we he been doing.

 Part B Role Play





 生词: campus 校园

 W: Look, Tom. There is a job fair on campus this Saturday. Do you want to go? M: What hens in a job fair?

 W: There are lots of different companies and they give you information about jobs?advice, that kind of thing.

 M: OK, I?ll go. But I know you he already decided on your job. You are going to be a lawyer, right?

 W: That?s the plan. I?m going to work in a law firm as soon as I get my degree. M: You?re so lucky. I wish I knew what I wanted to do.

 W: M: Yes, I am thinking about it. I am quite interested in teaching and I enjoy communicating with students. Last summer, I worked as a language teacher in an English camp in China and taught some English classes for a month.


 M: It was all right ? wasn?t as terrifying as I thought it would be. I think the students were hy. The interesting thing is that we speak English and we think we know the grammar. But when I was teaching, I found that I didn?t know much about grammar.


 M: That?s a good question. I study Education, and I?ve gotten to know some education theories and teaching methods. Usually, a language teacher should he good language skills and needs to be patient and enthusiastic. I think I am the right person. Don?t forget I am a native speaker of English!

 Questions to raise:

 1. 你不是说你想当一名语言教师吗?


 2. 你第一天教课感觉如何? 语言1分,信息1分)

 3. 为什么你认为自己能成为语言教师? 语言1分,信息1分)

 Questions to answer:

 1. What?s new on campus this Saturday?

 There is a job fair (on campus). (语言1分,信息1分)

 2. What are you going to do after you get the degree?

 I am going to be a lawyer. (I am going to work for a law firm.)


 3. Where did Tom teach English last summer?

 He taught English (in an English camp) in China. (语言1分,信息1分)

 4. How is Tom?s English grammar?

 He is not good at grammar.

 He doesn?t know much about grammar.

 He doesn?t know how to teach grammar. (语言1分,信息1分)

 5. What does a language teacher need?

 (He/she needs to he) language skills and be patient and enthusiastic.


 (He/she needs to he) language skills, patience and enthusiasm.


 Part C Retelling

 The Pet Shop

 Tom and Mary always wanted a dog, and finally their parents agreed. So the kids went to the local pet shop and had a look around. It was a very small shop that didn?t he many pets. The shop owner said that there were only two dogs to choose from.

 One was a big black dog and the other was a tiny white one. Tom wanted the big dog while Mary preferred the tiny one. They couldn?t persuade each other. Mary suggested they race home and the winner could choose the dog. Tom agreed, but he wanted to win the race so much that he played a trick on Mary. ?Look at your shoes!? Tom said. When Mary looked down, he ran off and got a head start. He ran as fast as he could, and soon Mary was left far behind. Finally, Tom got home and Mary arrived a few minutes later. ?It was unfair!? She shouted angrily. So they decided to race back to the shop. However, when they arrived they couldn?t see the dogs. They asked the owner where the dogs were. The owner explained that a few minutes after they left, a man walked in and bought the two dogs.



 pet shop (宠物店)

 choose (选择)

 race (赛跑)

 shoes (鞋子)

 get a head start (抢先开始)


 ? Tom and Mary wanted a dog and their parents agreed.

 ? They went to a pet shop to he a look.

 ? The shop was very small and had only two dogs.

 ? Tom wanted the big dog while Mary preferred the tiny one.

 ? They decided to race home and the winner could choose the dog.

 ? Tom played a trick and got a head start.

 ? Tom ran fast and Mary was far behind.

 ? Tom got home first and Mary complained.

 ? They raced back to the shop, but couldn?t see the dogs.

 ? The owner explained that the dogs were sold.


三模 一模 二模 高考 哪个难?





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