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tamoadmin 2024-05-18 人已围观

简介希望下面关于定语从句难点的总结能够帮到你,高考的时候定语从句的确是个重点,要好好复习!你所问关于主句是there be句型定语从句的情况见下面: 一、6.主句以There be…开头,先行词为物时常用that引导定语从句. Eg. There is a room in the building that is still free. 三、4. 在以There be…开头,先行词为


希望下面关于定语从句难点的总结能够帮到你,高考的时候定语从句的确是个重点,要好好复习!你所问关于主句是there be句型定语从句的情况见下面:

一、6.主句以There be…开头,先行词为物时常用that引导定语从句.

Eg. There is a room in the building that is still free.

三、4. 在以There be…开头,先行词为人的句子中,常用who引导定语从句.

Eg. There is a pretty girl who wants to see you.




1.当先行词是all, everything, anything, nothing, much, few, little, none, the one等不定代词时,常用that引导定语从句.

Eg. All that can be done has been done. 所有能做的已经做了


Eg. This is the very book that I want to read.


Eg. This is the first letter that I’ve received from him since he left.


Eg. They talked of things and persons that they remembered in the school.


Eg. She is no longer the sweet little girl that she used to be.

6.主句以There be…开头,先行词为物时常用that引导定语从句.

Eg. There is a room in the building that is still free.

7.主句是以who, which或what开头的特殊疑问句时,用that引导定语从句.

Eg. Who is the lady that is waiting at the school gate?



Eg. I said nothing, which made my mother even more angry.


Eg. Paul has found that which he lost yesterday.


Eg. I like to live in the house, in front of which there is a tall pine tree.


1.先行词是one, ones或anyone时

Eg. Anyone who leaves the classroom last should turn off the lights.


Eg. Do you know the teacher in blue with a book in his hand who is standing at the gate?


Eg. Those who like football can enter for the game.

4.在以There be…开头,先行词为人的句子中,常用who引导定语从句.

Eg. There is a pretty girl who wants to see you.


Eg. I met an old friend of mine in the street, who had just e from England.

6.当先行词是I, you, he, they等时(多用于谚语中).

Eg. He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.


Eg. In the dark forest, there was not a single person to whom she could turn for help.

四、如果先行词是time, moment, place, reason, way, direction, distance等时,常用that引导的定语从句代替介词+which或when,where,why等,且that常省略:

Eg. I’d like to know the reason (that/why/for which) you change the plan.

五、As作关系代词引导的限制性定语从句中,只用于和the same, such及as连用的结构中,在句中充当主、宾、表语.

Eg. 1) He is not the same (man) as he used to be. (表)

2) There are as many books as are needed. (主)


Eg. 1) This is the same pen as I lost yesterday.

2) This is the same pen that I lost yesterday.





Eg. Lisa has made some progress again, as/which was natural.

Lisa has made some progress again, which was unexpected.


Eg. My father came back safely, which delighted us.

5.as在从句中作主语时,其谓语为be动词或被动语态,常见的句中谓语为be known/said/announced/reported/expected等.

Eg. He remarried, as was expected.

另外:there be 结构中若是否定结构,后常用but,这时相当于who/that…not.

Eg. In China, there is no one but knows Beijing.,11,定语从句中如果是 there be 句型 先行词为人时可以用that做关系词吗?

我是一个高中生 我们老师说there be 句型当中如果先行词是人的时候 关系词只能用who、whom,坚决不能用that;当先行词是物的时候 关系词必须用that


还有一种说法 就是无论主语是人还是物 都必须用that

希望英语良好及专业人士或老师帮忙解释一下 如果能附带高考例句最佳

附:如果您本身就对于这个问题有疑问的话就请不要回答了 应为本人这里学的已经很乱了

1. 基本用法

 定语从句除可用关系代词引导外,还可用关系副词when, where与why来引导,它们的区别是:when用于指时间,where用于指地点,why用于指原因。when, where, why 在定语从句中均用作状语。如:

 1980 was the year when he was born. 1980是他的出生年。

 This is the town where I was born. 这就是我出生的城市。

 These are the reasons why we do it. 这些就是我们这样做的理由。

 2. 先行词问题

 关系副词when和where的先行词是表示时间(如the day, the days, the time, the year等)和地点(如the place, the house, the factory, the station等)的一类词,而关系副词why的先行词通常只是the reason(s)。另外,when和where可引导限制性和非限制性定语从句,而why则只用于引导限制性定语从句,不用于引导非限制性定语从句。

 3. 一点注意

 注意不要以为在时间名词后就一定用关系副词when,在地点名词后就一定用关系副词 where,在表示原因的the reason后就一定用关系副词why。到底选用关系副词还是关系代词,关键是看它们在定语是用作状语(用关系副词)还是用作主语或宾语(用关系代词)。如:

 Don’t forget the time (that) I’ve told you. 不要忘记我告诉你的时间。(that用作told的宾语)

 I’ll never forget the days when I worked with you. 我永远不会忘记我与你共事的日子。(when用作状语)

 He works in a factory that [which] makes radio parts. 他在一家制造无线电零件的工厂工作。(that, which 在从句中用作主语,且不能省略)

 He works in the factory where his father worked. 他在他父亲工作过的那家工厂工作。(where作状语)

 That’s the reason that [which] he explained to us. 那就是他向我们解释的理由。(that或which在从句中用作explained的宾语)

 That’s the reason why she left home. 那就是她离家出走的原因。(where在从句中作状语)

 4. 一个错点

 英语中的关系副词主要是 when, where, why三个。不要想当然地将how用作关系副词修饰the way。如不说 This is the way how he spoke,可改为 This is how he spoke(how引导的是表语从句),当然也可说成 This is the way (that, in which) he spoke.(其中的that, in which可省略

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